
UC’s IDT program offers two distinct MEd specializations focusing on either design and development or teaching, a Graduate Certificate in blended and online learning, as well as a PhD program to meet the learning needs and career goals of our students. The core courses within these programs provide  students with the foundation of instructional design, the learning sciences, and basic research skills needed for the field. Students can then build upon this core knowledge of instructional and learning design by choosing one of the program offerings.

Below are sample courses from each of our programs.

Instructional Design and Technology: Design and Development Specialization

Mobile Learning

Mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets have exploded in popularity over the past decade. Students are using their mobile devices to access learning materials at an ever-increasing rate. This course embraces the mobile revolution and provides a perspective of learning that is available 24/7 and from anywhere in the world. To this end, the course provides a brief history of mobile learning (mLearning), an overview of mobile learning hardware, and a specific focus on the software (known as apps) that is used on mobile hardware. Learners identify learning needs, review apps based on those needs, and evaluate those apps. Learners then design and develop functional prototypes of mobile learning apps with user-friendly app development tools.

Educational Game Design

In this course students will learn about games for education by playing and building games for education. Students will collaboratively design and construct their own functioning educational game based on concepts of play and fun and their role in engagement and motivation in education (no programming experience is required). Additionally, students will examine multiple perspectives on gaming, gamification, and game design. As part of this, playing video games and critically evaluating those games is a course requirement. Students will compare what we know about gaming with what we know about education and examine and explore the affordances of gaming for education.

Instructional Design and Technology – Online Learning: Teaching Specialization

Applications and Issues of Teaching with Technology

This course provides an overview of the increasingly complex array of digital media and technology-based resources available for use in blended and online environments. Students will apply theory to practice to truly redefine lessons to enhance learning through technology. Students will also learn practical skills, ranging from facilitation skills needed to manage a technology-based class to troubleshooting technology problems. The course also explores burning issues surrounding educational technology such as inequalities and accessibility issues, technology distractions, internet safety, and other ethical issues.

Universal Design for Learning in Blended and Online Contexts

This course provides an overview of how the principles of Universal Design for Learning can be used to design online and blended learning experiences that meet the needs of diverse learners including those who are accelerated and those who are struggling for a variety of reasons. Special attention will be given to integrating technologies that support student engagement, authentic learning, and general accessibility supports.

Blended Online Learning and Teaching (BOLT) Graduate Certificate

Design of Blended and Online Learning Environments

This course guides students through the process of designing and developing successful online learning. Students will explore a variety of learning environments, learn how to incorporate instructional models, instructional strategies, and digital media effectively into the design process, and create a complete instructional unit that promotes learner engagement and motivation.

Tools for Online Learning Creation and Assessment

This course addresses the theory behind online learning object design and creation of online assessments, learning object implementation, and the requisite knowledge to create effective online learning objects and assessments. Students will explore various types of learning object and assessment creation tools (for example, e-learning authoring software, open source software, etc.). The course will move students from an understanding of the context and use of online learning objects to the design and delivery of an effective online learning object including assessments.

Instructional Design and Technology Doctoral (PhD) Program

Seminar in Instruction Technology

This course introduces fundamental concepts and current trends related to instructional technology and examines the role and potential of emerging technologies in today's education. Students will explore present findings and future directions and develop a deep understanding of research, theories, and practices in instructional technology.

Design Based Research

Design-based research is a research approach that systematically investigates teaching and learning through multiple cycles of design, development, evaluation and implementation of educational interventions. This course will cover ways to assess effectiveness of the learning environment as well as its underlying framework within a specific context. It will provide students with practical experiences of critiquing literature, analyzing design-based methods, and engaging in some practical research exercises. The course will culminate in students preparing a proposal to conduct their own design-based research study.