Research Opportunities

Blended Learning

Do you want to learn more about blended learning? Do you want to develop teaching and learning resources you would be able to take with you as you enter the profession? Would you like to have something incredible to talk about during interviews that would surely set you apart from other candidates?

Annie Bauer here - we just got a grant for four Chromebooks for a sixth grade at a local school. We will be seeing if using a station approach (rotating among stations and into a computer station) in which we will be measuring increases in keyboarding skills, science concepts, and facility with technology. We'll be measuring student learning, student satisfaction, and teacher satisfaction. You'd be helping develop the webquests and recording data. BIG FUN FOR ALL! Just email me if you are interested.

Dr. Bauer is a professor of Special Education and is assigned as the NCATE Coordinator in the Office of Assessment and continuous Improvement. She is author of twenty books on issues related to disability, inclusive environments, and classroom management

Contact Dr. Anne Bauer via email for more information.

Mathematics Interventions for Students with Mild Disabilities

Dr. Casey Hord's primary research interest is developing interventions in mathematics for students with high incidence disabilities. For anyone interested in math and helping students succeed with problem solving, Dr. Hord has opportunities for students to get involved in all aspects of his research, including: study brainstorming and design, data collection, data analysis, writing, submitting to journals, and presenting at conferences.

Current projects include: working with 8th grade students on Algebra I concepts, looking at teaching strategies that support students with visuospatial difficulties, developing money management software to help teach individuals with disabilities budgeting concepts, and helping to develop mathematics curriculum appropriate for students with ASD.

Contact Dr. Hord at for more information or to get involved.