Programs on Campus

Transition and Access Program

The Transition and Access Program at the University of Cincinnati is a four-year, inclusive program for students with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. The program offers a non-degree option for students with intellectual disabilities who want to actively engage in the full college experience, including participation in regular college classes, living independently on campus, engaging in professional internships, and enjoying an active social life with friends. The purpose of the program is to provide the opportunity for all students who desire a postsecondary experience on a college campus to achieve success with appropriate supports. Students who complete the program receive a certificate and have training and experiences necessary for successful competitive employment.

For more information on TAP please click here! 

To get involved with TAP please click here! 

Project Launch

UC Launch is a program through Sycamore Community Schools that is hosted on UC's campus. This program allows students to begin the transition into adult independent living. Students work and complete coursework on UC's Campus and engaging in community outings while learning how to become as independent at possible. They would love to have UC students collaborate with UC Launch students on a weekly basis to develop a variety of skills. UC Launch would be interested in having students to get coffee, lunch, ice cream, do laundry, play games or other activities that students are doing on campus. Please contact Kelley Flodder via email if you are interested or have any other questions.