Transformative Leadership Vanguard!

Create wide-scale transformation from within by developing champions on the front-line level. Join us in August for the next TLV cohort!


UCCI recommends and offers a range of solutions for agencies across the justice system. Products available are developed in house with our UCCI subject matter experts, or are well established tools available to the field. All approaches are based on the Principles of Effective Intervention (Risk, Need, Responsivity) framework.

Risk ASSESSMENTS  serve to help agencies identify an individual’s risk to reoffend, and further support a rehabilitative approach through effective case planning.

E-LEARNING modules allow agencies to provide overviews of foundational research topics that guide effective program design and intervention.

These approaches are most effective when delivered as designed, and we offer several options to monitor and improve FIDELITY.

Once we know the need areas to address, INTERVENTIONS provide the opportunity for staff to teach an individual how to reshape their behavior with a long-term, prosocial focus.

Program EVALUATIONS measure how well an agency is aligned with evidence-based practices, allowing areas of growth to be identified and addressed for greater program outcomes.

“I personally find CBI-CC to be one of the most comprehensive curricula I've ever facilitated. It helps the youth identify problem areas within their lives, while setting both short and long term goals that are attainable. Using the social learning theory as the model to facilitate each session makes this an easy to follow curricula for facilitators with varying levels of experience. I would recommend CBI-CC to anyone seeking to impact the lives of at risk youth.”

Andrea Elliott, Mahoning County Ohio

UCCI wants to hear from you! We are working towards a stronger means of collecting feedback on our UCCI products for continuous quality improvement via a Microsoft Form. Feedback can include grammatic errors, structural considerations, teaching an interventions, activity considerations, worksheets & practice work, interview guide or scoring guide considerations, and responsivity considerations. Of note, you will be ask a series of questions to help us categorize your feedback as a means of effective tracking. Should you have feedback on multiple products, please complete one Form submission per product. Thank you for supporting our efforts in offering effective resources to the field of corrections!