About IDD Education Center

Established in 2014 and nested within the University of Cincinnati’s College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH), Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Education Center (IDD Education Center) offers a vibrant and engaging learning experience that enriches lives and launches careers. Our inclusive community offers access to UC facilities and guidance from committed faculty, staff, and peer mentors who are passionate about the gifts and abilities of every individual.

IDD Education Center programs address the specialized needs of individuals as they transition from high school through adulthood to help them gain life skills, work skills, and ultimately more independent and fulfilled lives. Our targeted wellness, learning, academic, and employment programs transform lives by helping individuals establish greater independence and achieve their personal, social, and professional goals.

Why IDD Education Center?

  • Gain access to quality life experiences in an inclusive setting
  • Engage in meaningful experiences to build social and communication skills
  • Develop independence in fun and engaging settings
  • Access community-based internships and employment
  • Prepare for life beyond high school
  • Promote inclusive work environments and communities

To learn more about IDD Education Center, please contact us via email or check out our life-changing programs here:

IDD Education Center Core Values

Existing and working nested in a Tier 1 Research University setting provides challenges and opportunities for IDD Education Center. Our scope of influence is much larger than the 100 individuals we serve daily.  Constituents and audiences whom we can influence include parents and families of associates, UC students who work in our programs, and UC faculty, staff and leadership. This sphere of influence leads to a multiplier effect which helps us change attitudes and precipitate cultural shifts to improve the outcomes for people with disabilities. This unique setting differentiates us from small social service agencies and enables us to develop and share evidence-based best practices and to become a replicable model program, nationwide.

  1. We are committed to implementing Evidence-Based Practices as the foundation for all our services and supports;
  2. We are committed to research and dissemination of practices that improve outcomes for people with disabilities;
  3. We believe all people have the right to live as dignified, contributing members of their communities and we support and adhere to the University of Cincinnati’s Best Practices and Key Learnings with regard to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and;
  4. We believe collaboration and community partnerships are the foundation for sustainable solutions for people with disabilities.