Secondary Education : Chemistry


Why study Secondary Education : Chemistry?

The Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education, at the University of Cincinnati, prepares graduates to become licensed and highly qualified teachers for learners at the junior and senior high school levels, grades 7-12. Students in our program gain experience teaching in urban and diverse school settings and using research-based teaching practices to meet the needs of all learners in their classes. At the secondary level, graduates specialize in one core disciplinary subject: Integrated English/Language Arts, Integrated Mathematics, Integrated Social Studies, Integrated Science, or Physics.

An Integrated science license prepares students to teach all science subject areas in grades 7 -12 in Ohio schools. Students select one science disciplinary as their primary teaching area:

  • Chemistry
  • Earth and Space Science
  • Life Science/ Biology

An integrated science license with an emphasis in Chemistry prepares students to teach all science subject areas in grades 7 -12 in Ohio schools. Students who select a chemistry emphasis will take courses in general and organic chemistry and select either a semester of physical or biochemical chemistry to develop expertise in teaching modern concepts of chemistry and laboratory work as well as address contemporary issues in science such as climate change and ocean acidification. Chemistry emphasis students are prepared to plan and lead instruction that builds learners’ understanding of foundational science concepts, engages learners in problem-solving and laboratory experiences, and develops collaborative teamwork to solve engineering and design projects.

Admission Requirements

Freshmen applicants, please visit the Admission Requirements page for more information.

Candidates who succeed as teachers of adolescents and young adults:

  • know how individuals learn and develop
  • can articulate the central concepts, tools of inquiry and the structures of their discipline
  • effectively collaborate with others
  • demonstrate leadership
  • address issues of diversity with equity
  • use technology to support their practice
  • use assessment to inform their efforts
  • demonstrate pedagogical knowledge
  • are responsible, caring, and fair

Graduates of this program will be prepared for the careers listed below. All opportunities may not be listed. Secondary education physics graduates usually elect to teach in Ohio but graduates teach across the nation.

Federal regulations require the University of Cincinnati to publicly disclose whether completion of certain programs that lead or may lead to professional licensure or certification would meet a given state’s educational requirements for a specific professional license or certification required for employment in an occupation (regardless of whether the program is on-ground, online, or hybrid).   To learn whether a University program meets a given state’s educational requirements, please visit the University of Cincinnati State Authorization webpage

The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

CECH Student Services Center
College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services
360 Teachers-Dyer Complex
PO Box 210014
Cincinnati, OH 45221
(513) 556-2336

Formed as the Teachers College in 1905, the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services continually merits local, state and national recognition. Recent commendations include:

  • accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP), the organization responsible for professional accreditation of teacher education
  • a 65th ranking in U.S. News & World Report
  • the Best Practice Award from the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE)
  • consistently high scores by candidates on state mandated licensure exams

The secondary education program is committed to the continuous improvement of its programs and operations and is nationally recognized for specific licenses by the National Council for Teachers of English, the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics, the National Council for the Social Studies and the National Science Teachers Association.  This program has been determined to meet the Ohio reading mandate and is aligned with the Ohio content area standards.

In addition, the secondary education program provides small classes, talented faculty in each discipline and extensive field clinical experiences in urban and suburban schools.

Future Educators of America (FEA)
UC’s FEA chapter is dedicated to fostering the love of teaching, examining the reality of teaching and promoting the rewards of teaching. FEA is open to all UC students; however, our main focus is to offer a path for teacher education students to stay connected to their college and to their future profession. Members have the opportunity to work with children and young adults in local schools and FEA chapters.

Kappa Delta Pi (KDP)
Kappa Delta Pi is a prestigious international honor society that recognizes scholarship and excellence in the field of education. Members must have a college GPA of at least 3.0 for undergraduate students or 3.25 for graduate students. KDP members work on several volunteer activities that focus on education. Some of the benefits of being a member of KDP include annual scholarships, professional development, a nationwide job database and access to the ideas, research, insights and expertise of internationally renowned educators.

Student Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)
SCEC is the largest international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities and gifted children, as well as those typically developing. If you are committed to children, focused on becoming the best educator and want to meet new people, then SCEC is for you! Membership dues permit you to receive professional development opportunities, journals and newsletters with new research and classroom practice and the opportunity to attend conventions and conferences.

CECH Tribunal
The purposes of the CECH Tribunal are to ensure that the interests of the students of the college are voiced and to provide student representation on behalf of all undergraduate students in CECH where representation is warranted. Also, the tribunal organizes programs and social events for students of the college.

CECH Student Ambassadors
The Student Ambassador program represents CECH at the University of Cincinnati by assisting with the recruitment and retention of students in the college. CECH student ambassadors provide a valuable service by representing the student perspective of university life to prospective and new students. Ambassadors also represent the college at numerous collegiate functions, professional events and key promotional events. Being selected as a CECH student ambassador is an honor that reflects academic rigor and a commitment to the fields of education, health promotion and education and criminal justice.

To graduate from the UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, a student must:

  • Complete all required course work and program requirements.
  • Obtain at least a 2.8 university grade point average and a 2.8 GPA in content area.
  • Be in good academic standing; that is, not on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension.
  • Meet the college's residency requirement of 30 semester credit hours.
  • File formal application for the degree by the posted deadline.

Admission to this program is generally available for students transferring to the University of Cincinnati if they were admissible directly from high school and have a 2.8 cumulative GPA (all prior institutions combined).

Students who were NOT admissible directly from high school must have:

  • 24 semester (36 quarter) hours earned
  • at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (all prior institutions combined)

Admission to this program is generally available for University of Cincinnati students enrolled in other colleges of the University of Cincinnati if they were admissible directly from high school and have a 2.8 cumulative GPA (UC and any prior institutions combined).

Students who were NOT admissible directly from high school must have:

  • 24 semester (36 quarter) hours earned
  • at least a 2.8 cumulative GPA (UC and any prior institutions combined)

Current UC students wishing to transfer into the program should contact the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services at (513) 556-2336.

International students should contact the University of Cincinnati's Office of Admission for details at (513) 556-1100.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Secondary Education

Application Deadlines

Fall Semester


  • Early Action Deadline: Dec 1*
  • Rolling Deadline: Mar 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: May 1

* Your application must be complete by this date in order to be considered for scholarships and the Honors Program.


  • Application Deadline: July 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: Aug 1

Spring Semester

Freshmen and Transfers: 

  • Application Deadline: Nov 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: Dec 1

Summer Semester

Freshmen and Transfers: 

  • Application Deadline: March 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: April 1
The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

The educator preparation programs at the University of Cincinnati are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).  In addition, the secondary education program is accredited by the following associations: 

  • the National Council for Teachers of English
  • the National Council for Teachers of Mathematics
  • the National Council for the Social Studies
  • the National Science Teachers Association. 

This program has been determined to meet the Ohio reading mandate and is aligned with the Ohio content area standards.

Contact Information

CECH Office of Recruitment
PO BOX 210014
Cincinnati, OH 45221
(513) 556-6308

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Program Code: 18BAC-SEC-BSED-SEC-CH