Institute of Crime Science
The Institute of Crime Science (ICS) is located in the University of Cincinnati's top-ranked School of Criminal Justice. The ICS Team includes world-renowned researchers and experienced law enforcement professionals who provide practical, evidence-based solutions to real world problems. The ICS Team specializes in three core areas: (1) Administrative Studies, (2) Crime Analysis & Data Analytics, and (3) Evidence-Based Policy Implementation & Evaluation.
Administrative Studies
ICS provides a range of administrative studies. We draw on our expertise of law enforcement practice, research evidence, and research methods to tailor each administrative study to meet the jurisdiction’s unique needs. ICS has experience conducting a variety of administrative studies, such as:
- Policing assessments
- Staffing analysis
- Re-districting assessments
- Feasibility studies
- Strategic planning
Crime Analysis and Data Analytics
ICS routinely works with agencies to expand their research and analytical capacity. ICS can take the lead or work with the agency to build its internal capacity for any research and data analytics project. Examples of our expertise includes:
- Developing and administering surveys
- Developing databases to support program implementation
- Developing customized web-based applications for visualizing and analyzing data
- Developing predictive analytics to support the implementation of evidence-based programs
- Conducting off-site crime and intelligence analysis to support the implementation of evidence-based programs
- Delivering on-site training in crime mapping and analysis, social network analysis, and problem-oriented policing
Implementation and Evaluation of Evidence-Based Policy
ICS works with agencies to implement and evaluate evidence-based policies. Our team of academic researchers and experienced practitioners design implementation strategies that are rooted in academic theory and research, yet practical in the field. Additionally, we provide rigorous evaluations that detail the intervention’s implementation and impact as well as provide recommendations for ensuring its sustainability. Examples of our expertise includes:
- Hot spots policing
- Problem-oriented policing
- Group-based violence reduction / Focused deterrence
- Opioid Quick Respond Teams
- Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion Programs
- Mental Health Programs for High-Frequency Users
For More Information
To learn more about how ICS can assist your agency or to request a formal proposal, please email or call ICS Director, Dr. Cory Haberman at, (513) 556-5831.