What is the difference between the online and on-campus programs?

The curriculum is the same for both on-campus and online students. Even for on-campus students, some of the coursework will be completed in online classes, allowing for more flexibility with work schedules. More information about the online program can be found here.

Is there a thesis or culminating project?

There is not a thesis requirement, but in the final term of the program, students will complete a six-credit hour capstone experience. Students will work with their advisor to identify and plan a collaborative project in conjunction with an industry partner. The project should align with the student’s career goals. 

Does the program have to be completed in one year?

No, there is not a requirement that the program be completed in one year. Several students have opted for a part-time option to better accommodate their work schedule. That said, if you receive any graduate assistant funding from the university, you must be a full-time student (12 credit hours per semester). In this case, the program would be completed in a single calendar year.

Are graduate assistant or other funding opportunities available?

Yes, a limited number of graduate assistant opportunities are available each year for students enrolled in the on-campus master’s program. These are competitive positions. To be considered, students must apply to the program by the February 1 deadline. Information on available graduate assistant positions and instructions to apply will be communicated to admitted students after that date. For more information about graduate assistant positions, please contact Dr. Jason Simmons (jason.simmons@uc.edu).

In addition, finding may be available through the university’s financial aid office.

What should the personal statement of goals document include?

Your personal statement of goals should provide insight into your career/professional goals and how this degree will assist you in attaining those goals. In your statement, be prepared to respond to the following questions:

  1. What are your career goals, and how will earning this degree help you along that path?
  2. What experience and knowledge do you have that will add to the program?
  3. What are you going to do to improve yourself over the next year?

Who should write my letters of recommendation?

We require two letters of recommendation: one from someone who can speak to your academic performance/potential, and one from someone who can speak to your professional preparedness for a career in high school or collegiate athletic administration. For the academic letter, applicants typically ask a former professor or academic advisor. For the professional letter, a current/former supervisor will usually suffice. Ideally, this will be from someone working in the sport industry.

Do I need to take the GRE?

We do not require applicants to take the GRE unless their undergraduate GPA is less than 3.0. In that case, we require a combined verbal and quantitative GRE score of 297. A GRE Waiver is available for applicants with three or more years of post-undergraduate sport industry experience.