TAP 2020 Senior Recognition


Congratulations to the 2020 Graduating TAP Class!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau


CECH student portraits

Jessica Baker is kind, driven and knows what her plans are after graduation. She has been interning at the UC Early Learning Center and knows she wants to continue working with kids. Jessica shared that she loves the independence, energy and atmosphere that TAP and UC bring. Jessica shares, “Going to football games with the Rally Cats,” was her favorite thing of all!

“Life  isn't  about  waiting  for  the   storm  to  pass  ... It  is  about learning  to  dance in  the rain.” - unknown

CECH student portraits

Kate Bernacki is patient, smart and motivated. She loves working with children and also interned at the UC Early Learning Center. Kate’s favorite part of the internship was supervising recess. Kate shared, “Going to the football games with all my friends,” is her favorite memory of UC. After graduation, Kate would like to live in an apartment in Cincinnati with her friends and to work at UC Early Learning Center.

"What makes you different or weird, that's your strength." - Meryl Streep

CECH student portraits

Maddy Katz has a heart of gold and loves volunteering.  Looking back at her experience with TAP, Maddy's favorite times at UC have been with her friends and shared that making friends has been easier at UC. Maddy’s internships have been with Aramark marketing, Tim Hortons and Ronald McDonald House. Her dream job is to work for a non-profit organization.  Maddy's favorite memory was winning the Hillel Spirit award.

“You may be gone from my sight, but you are never gone from my heart.” - unknown

Lindsey Delidow is a hard-working student and has found TAP to be incredibly helpful in her education. Lindsey shared that she found a lot of support in her classes and from the academic coaches.  Her favorite class was Community Options. “It helps me learn how to get a job and where to live,” Lindsey shared. Lindsey’s favorite part of TAP and UC was making new, life-long friends and she even has advice for future students: “Just try to have a good year, try your best, graduate and work through it.”  After graduation, Lindsey plans to incorporate her passion for art and working with children with a career in an early childhood setting.

“There is difference between giving up and knowing you have had enough.” – unknown

Image of Emyla Sharber

Emyla Sharber is kind, helpful, independent, and a life-long learner.  She shared that her experience at UC and in TAP has helped her develop skills to better understand others and she has also learned a lot about herself.  Emyla really showed determination and perseverance by completing all of the TAP requirements and earning her certificate, even with needing to take one semester off during her four years at UC. Her hobbies include baking, art, organizing, and fitness.  Emyla looks forward to graduating and hopes to live in her own apartment and to work with children as a teacher’s assistant.

 “Nobody knows the world so feel free to explore it. To be happy, we must be comfortable with ourselves.” – unknown

Image of Sam Schell-Olsen

Samuel Schell-Olsen overcomes challenges and achieves his goals.  Sam’s dream is to be an opinion editor for a major news publication and his experiences with TAP and at UC have put him on that path.  Sam landed a job with The News Record, the UC student newspaper, where he became the first openly autistic editor in Ohio’s history. In addition to writing for The News Record, Sam has written over a hundred articles for other publications in the areas of politics, disability, and election analysis.  He will be graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism with a minor in Criminal Justice, as well as earning the TAP Certificate.

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.” - John F. Kennedy

Photo Collage

2020 Tap seniors