Student Organizations

Group photo of tour at the prison.

The Criminal Justice Society

The Criminal Justice Society is a student-sponsored organization designed to enhance the educational experience of those interested in criminal justice and criminal behavior. The Criminal Justice Society promotes the study of crime and justice and sponsors activities for interested students. Activities include prison tours, faculty lecture series, career fairs, intramural sports teams, and much more! CJS offers a chance for students to get involved with their education and campus life. There are no requirements to become a member. For more information or to become a member, please email Zoe DeWitt or Julian Burnett, co-presidents of CJS. For more information, please visit: The Criminal Justice Society website.

Alpha Phi Sigma

What is Alpha Phi Sigma?

Alpha Phi Sigma is the National Honors Society in Criminal Justice. This organization recognizes academic excellence for students in the field of Criminal Justice. The Goals of Alpha Phi Sigma are to honor and promote academic excellence, community service, educational leadership, and unity. Alpha Phi Sigma is the only Criminal Justice Honor Society which is a certified member of The Association of College Honor Societies and affiliated with The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences.

UC does not recognize academic honors (e.g., Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, Summa Cum Laude) at the graduate level, but membership in Alpha Phi Sigma allows students to be recognized for exceptional academic performance.

To find out more about the history and organization of Alpha Phi Sigma, or to learn about national conferences, scholarships, grants, or awards, visit the national headquarters website