Career Prep Resources

Office of Assessment and Continuous Improvement

The Office of Assessment and Continuous Improvement (OACI) provides support to the Educator Preparation Programs at the University of Cincinnati and the Dean’s Office in the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services. The main purpose of the Office of Assessment and Continuous Improvement is to coordinate accreditation through assessments and tracking. The OACI also coordinates field experiences for candidates, payments to mentor teachers, and licensure application processing.

Licensure Tests

Effective September 3, 2013, teacher candidates will be required to pass the Pearson Ohio Assessments for Educators.

Students may access online registration, preparation materials, results and testing policies at the Ohio Assessments for Educators web site

As of July 2014, each OAE test typically costs $105. Please check the OAE website for the most up to date information

Questions regarding the Licensure application process should be directed to the CECH Licensure Office at (513) 556-0297.

Preparation materials can be found at The OAE Preperation Materials web page.

Special Education OAE

Information on the SPED OAE test

The IRIS modules found at The Iris Center Resource Locator are great resources for reviewing for the test. They include topics such as assistive technology, accommodations, disability-specific information, behavior management, and many more. 

Content Area OAEs

Middle Grades English Language Arts: Information on the English Language Arts OAE test

Middle Grades Mathematics: Information on the Math OAE test

Middle Grades Science: Information on the Science OAE test

***In order to be highly qualified in your content areas, you must pass the corresponding content tests. Please refer to ODE's Toolkit for HQTs for more information Highly Qualified Teacher Toolkit. ***

Assessment of Professional Knowledge (PK-12) OAE

Information on the Assessment of Professional Knowledge test

There are multiple Assessment of Professional Knowledge. The test code for the multi-age test is 004. 

Career Education

The Division of Experience-Based Learning and Career Education in the Steger Student Life Center helps educate and empower students to identify and achieve their career goals. Some of the resources they offer are:

  • career coaching
  • personality assessments
  • resume reviews
  • interview practice
  • What Can I Do with This Major? tool

Check out Experience-Based Learning and Career Education to see all that they offer.

Learning Assistance Center

The Learning Assistance Center offers resources for all students with the goal of helping you become the best student you can be, whether through one-on-one tutoring, personal coaching, or supplemental instruction. They offer an array of innovative programs designed to support student driven learning and academic excellence. For more information on all of the services provided please visit the LAC home page.

Academic Writing Center

Located on the fourth floor of Langsam Library in room 401N, the Academic Writing Center provides UC students with free writing assistance. If you would like a trained writing tutor to help you get started on your writing assignment or review your writing, make an appointment or stop in during our drop-in hours. For more information, please visit the Learning Assistance Center's Academic Writing Center

Academic Coaching

Coaches provided resources and support in order to encourage success-building practices and habits in their students.

Coaches will tailor the topics to meet students' needs and goals. However, common issues that our coaches help students address include the following:

  • Time Management
  • Effective Notetaking and Memorization Techniques
  • Motivation
  • Clarifying Career Goals
  • Test Anxiety
  • Effective Resource Utilization

For more information, please visit the Academic Coaching web site.

Peer Tutoring

The Learning Assistance Center offers free tutoring for UC students at our office in 2441 French Hall West. Sessions are one-on-one with a subject-specific tutor to answer your questions.Tutors participate in ongoing training to equip them with strategies to support extended classroom learning. For more information, please visit the Peer Tutoring web site.. 

Learning Resources

The LAC offers multiple additional learning resources, including the following categories: