Transformative Leadership Vanguard!

Create wide-scale transformation from within by developing champions on the front-line level. Join us in August for the next TLV cohort!


UCCI By The Numbers,  73% of staff  prefer hot coffee over iced coffee, 51% of staff prefer Mac over PC, 82% of staff prefer netflix over Hulu, 68% of staff prefer salty over sweet snacks, 77% of staff prefer to watch Game of Thrones over the Bachelor

Meet our UCCI Staff!

UCCI has a richly experienced, talented, and well-known team of researchers and practitioners from across the United States. Each member has a defined role within the Corrections Institute, and staff researchers serve as point of contact for UC-specific curriculum, assessments and evaluations.

Meet our UCCI Faculty!

The faculty in the UC School of Criminal Justice have a rich history of partnering with corrections agencies from across the world. These faculty specialize in various areas of the field and offer their expertise to inform and advance UCCI practices.

Meet our UCCI Fellows!

The UCCI team extends further into academic research through individual partnerships with fellows who aid in our mission to develop, disseminate, and implement Evidence Based Practices.

Our UCCI Contract Trainers!

Our training capacity is greatly based on a team of dedicated contractors who work for the UCCI. These freelancers are not only well versed in their specific offerings, but also have proven a knowledge base critical for what UCCI works toward with evidence-based practices. 

Additional details about UCCI Contractors

University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute

PO BOX 210389
2220 Victory Parkway
3rd Floor, Suite 303
Cincinnati, OH 45206

Phone: 513-556-7765
Fax: 513-556-2037