
Program assessment tools afford criminal justice agencies the ability to learn how they measure up to what research supports as effective programming. These assessments can be conducted across a variety of platforms and findings are presented in a formal report that incorporates a summary of the evaluation, references to literature and recommendations for growth opportunities.

UCCI Evaluations

Evidence-Based Correctional Program Checklist (CPC)

This tool was developed for assessing correctional intervention programs, and is used to ascertain how closely correctional programs meet known principles of effective intervention.

CPC Training Overview

CPC Assessment Description

"The CPC trainers were so knowledgeable in what they were teaching. This made it easy to follow along and grasp each area. It was great to have the opportunity to apply what we learned on site with the trainers help."

Correctional Program Checklist – Community Supervision Agencies (CPC-CSA)

This tool measures the ability to deliver evidence-based supervision and treatment services and adherence to RNR, but in two different contexts - examining at the probation/parole agency level and at the referral agency level.

CPC-CSA Overview

Correctional Program Checklist – Drug Courts (CPC-DC)

This tool measures the ability to deliver evidence-based services and adherence to RNR, but in two different contexts - examining at the drug court level and at the referral agency level.

CPC-DC Overview

Correctional Program Checklist – Group Assessment (CPC-GA)

This tool is designed for use on a stand-alone treatment group or outpatient treatment group versus a larger treatment program. 

CPC-GA Overview