TAP 2021 Senior Recognition


Congratulations to the 2021 Graduating TAP Class!

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams.  Live the life you have imagined. – Henry David Thoreau


This is a photo of Brennan holding her diploma

Brennan is an organized, hard-working team player. She loves art, sports, and volunteering.  Brennan has had a variety of work experiences and enjoys working in an office setting.  After graduation, Brennan would like to find a job as an office assistant to help a business stay organized and successful.  Brennan has loved everything about UC and will be a Bearcat for life!  GO Bearcats!

“The future belongs to those who believe in the                                                                          beauty of their dreams."  Eleanor Roosevelt  

This is a photo of Brennan holding her diploma

Lara loves to play sports and spend time with her family and friends.  While at UC, Lara was involved in many clubs including Rally Cats and Catholic Bearcat.  Lara traveled out of town with the Rally Cats several times to cheer on the Bearcats and she really enjoyed the Catholic Bearcat community and service.  Lara also has a real love for animals and after graduation she will be pursuing a career as a veterinarian assistant.  Lara is now a proud UC alumna continuing the Bearcat tradition in her                                                                        family.  GO Bearcats!

                                                                       “Make your life a masterpiece, imagine no                                                                         limitations on what you can be, have or do.” ~ Brian                                                                         Tracy

This is a photo of Brennan holding her diploma

No one is a stranger to Matt.  If you see him on campus, he always greets you with a smile and a BIG hello!  Matt is hard-working and had several great internships experiences with UC Rec Center and with UC Campus Services.  After graduation, Matt plans to work near UC and live in an apartment with friends. One of Matt’s favorite things about UC was going to sporting events which is something he will continue to do.  GO Bearcats!

“I’m going to use all my tools, my God-given ability, and make the best life I can with it.” – LeBron James