Violence Prevention


Why study Violence Prevention?

Violence prevention is an important competency for anyone working in the community. The violence prevention certificate offered through UC's College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services (CECH) is designed to:

  1. Explain the etiology and impact of family, community and school violence from biological, psychological, and socio-cultural perspectives.
  2. Assess and develop a family, community, or school prevention plan by using theoretically-grounded, evidence-based violence prevention strategies.
  3. Identify risk and protective factors for violence in the family, community, and school.
  4. Identify and apply the key ethical considerations when implementing violence prevention strategies.
  5. Deliver accurate, culturally competent violence prevention education to consumers and other professionals by developing appropriate materials and using appropriate techniques.
  6. Organize family, community, and school violence prevention activities by identifying needs and resources, then engaging community and school partners to mobilize these efforts.
  7. Advocate for public policy and environment change by identifying policy makers, planning initiatives, and implementing strategies.
  8. Demonstrate professional growth and responsibility by utilizing current prevention theories and practicies, collaborating with other professionals, adhering to legal and professional standards, and advancing her or his own cultural competence.

Admission Requirements

This program is open to all students with a high school diploma or GED and the desire to succeed in college. Although admission is open, students accepted into the program must meet the academic standards of the program to advance to upper levels of study. Current University of Cincinnati students should maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA with UC before applying and continuing in the program. Simply apply for the certificate and register for the appropriate classes.

Students who have an interest in working in the community providing assistance to others are great candidates for the certificate in violence prevention.

Students who excel in the violence prevention certificate program often have very strong interpersonal skills and work well with others. In addition, having excellent written and verbal communications skills will assist these students to excel in the workforce in a number of positions.

The violence prevention certificate was developed as a collaborative effort between the substance abuse counseling and health promotion and education programs and practitioners in the fields implementing violence prevention strategies. Aspects of the program are well suited for those who come in contact with and may assist addicted persons and their families. Graduates of this program will be prepared for the careers listed below. All opportunities may not be listed.

The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

For academic advising related to the violence prevention certificate:

Contact the CECH Student Services Center
361 Dyer Hall
PO Box 210014
Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0014
Tel: 513-556-2336
Fax: 513-556-3020

The violence prevention in families, schools and community undergraduate certificate program is a course of study preparing students to identify vulnerable individuals, families, and communities and to plan effective strategies to prevent the occurrence or recurrence of violence and abuse. There are no practicum or internship experiences associated with this certificate program. Courses will be taught in an online format by School of Human Services faculty and selected adjuncts working in the field of children advocacy, family law, and general prevention. This program offers the convenience of online courses taught by experienced faculty and practitioners in the substance abuse counseling field.

In order to complete the online certificate in violence prevention from the UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, a student must:

  • Complete all required course work and program requirements.
  • Obtain at least a 3.0 university grade point average (on a 4.0 scale).
  • Be in good academic standing; that is, not on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Substance Abuse Counseling

Application Deadlines

Application deadlines for all students are as follows:

  • fall semester - July 1
  • spring semester - November 1
  • summer semester - March 1

Gainful Employment Disclosure

Effective July 1, 2011, federal regulations published in the Federal Register on October 29, 2010 [75 FR 66665 and FR 66832] by the U.S. Department of Education require postsecondary institutions that participate in the student financial assistance programs authorized under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended, to disclose to prospective students certain information about the institution's GE Programs.

Generally, GE Programs include:

  • At public and private not-for-profit institutions: Title IV-eligible non-degree programs (e.g., certificate and diploma programs).
  • At for-profit institutions: All Title-IV eligible instructional programs, degree and non-degree.

The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Contact Information

CECH Student Services
PO BOX 210014
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0014
(513) 556-2336

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Program Code: 18CRT-VP-C2-.VP-DL