IMPACT Innovation
IMPACT Innovation offers adults significantly affected by autism a year-round program that includes lifelong learning, healthy living, and vocational exploration on the UC campus. IMPACT Innovation was created in response to state and federal government initiatives to increase integrated employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities. With the dedicated support from Impact Autism, other generous donors, waiver funding, and private pay options, IMPACT Innovation is able to provide adults 22 years of age and older meaningful employment opportunities and quality life experiences in community settings which ultimately leads to more independent and fulfilled lives.
IMPACT is currently not accepting new participants, but people in the waiting pool will be notified when we offer group tours and open up our admissions.
Check out this podcast to learn more about IMPACT!
For more information, please email us directly.
Testimonial from a Parent
"When I first heard something was being developed at UC to specifically meet the needs of young adults with autism and significant communication and behavioral challenges, I was cautiously optimistic. Now, I am genuinely excited about IMPACT Innovation.
As Employment First initiatives have been unveiled around the region, I have heard so many parents say, "That's great, but it'll never work for my kid's. They are not just being naysayers and pessimists. These parents know- from experience - what it takes for their children to be successful, and what can happen if behavioral and communication supports are lacking.
IMPACT Innovation is designed for people with autism and staffed by people who understand autism. This is essential because research shows that our current systems are failing this group. The commitment that the IMPACT Innovation team has to this project and the time and energy that have already gone into making it the best it can be are truly amazing.
They have searched across the country for the best ideas and practices and carefully adapted them to fit the UC campus. As the name implies, this is something new, more than a program, more than a service or community-employment opportunity. This is a new approach to providing young adults who have skills that have been overshadowed by their challenges, the supports, the environment and the time they need to become successfully and meaningfully employed.
As a beginning, it is a true bright spot on an otherwise pretty bleak landscape of opportunities for students with autism and significant behavior and communications challenges who are exiting the education system".
-Dr. Cindy Molloy
Impact Innovation Advisory Board Member
Parent of adult with autism spectrum disorder