Job & Volunteer Opportunities

TAP Academic Coach

TAP employs hourly student workers to be academic tutors who work up to 20 hours per week. These staff members support TAP students by teaching academic strategies which provide assistance in completing academic coursework.

Each TAP student is enrolled in at least one UC course and 4 TAP courses each semester. Academic tutors collaborate with the Academic Coordinator, who is a trained intervention specialist, to implement modifications and accommodations needed, develop a weekly academic work plan, and support completion of weekly assignments. The TAP students meet with the academic tutors two times per week in our academic lab supervised by our Academic Coordinator.

TAP Job Coach

TAP employs hourly student workers to be job coaches who work up to 20 hours per week. These staff members work with TAP students to support their vocational goals and performance outcomes while working in a vocational internship on or near campus. Job coaches can provide assistance with training on the job, support job retention, conduct performance evaluations, and assist with goal setting, monitoring and achievement.

TAP Life Coach

TAP employs hourly student workers, preferably graduate students, who work up to 20 hours per week. Life coaches facilitate TAP student's goal achievement specifically related to their social life and independence. Life coaches work a flexible schedule, communicate weekly regarding student progress towards goals, and attend staff meetings. Life coaches meet weekly with students assigned to caseload (typically between 5-10). They complete Independent Living Assessments with the assigned cohort twice per month and provide thorough notes documenting their ongoing meeting and progress with students.

Volunteer Opportunities

Students in TAP have the opportunity to connect with peer mentors to support them in becoming socially integrated into the campus and achieving academically in their classes.

  • Mentor students academically and socially at least 1 hour a week.
  • Participate in social events weekly. Hours vary. Monday-Sunday.

Social Mentors - UC students who will help develop and enhance their social skills on campus.

Academic Mentors - UC students who assist students with their academic classes.

On site orientation and training will be required.

Mentor application is  available on UC Campus Link