Selected Projects
UCESC works with a variety of partners across the sectors of public health, education, and human services. This list provides brief descriptions of recent projects.
21st Century Community Learning Centers
UCESC serves as statewide evaluator for Ohio’s 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21stCCLC), which are funded through the U.S. Department of Education to provide out-of-school-time academic and enrichment support. The evaluation involves analyzing quantitative and qualitative data from hundreds of grantees and aggregating results for statewide reports that summarize the overall impact of 21st CCLC funding and amplify best practices for quality afterschool and summer programs.
University of Kentucky Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy and Water Systems
The University of Kentucky National Science Foundation Graduate Research Traineeship Program (NRT), funded by the National Science Foundation, integrates an evidence-based education model with cutting edge interdisciplinary research focused on preparing graduate students to become innovators at the nexus of food, energy and water systems. Using a cohort-sequential design with retrospective and concurrent comparison groups, the evaluation includes both formative and summative activities with mixed methods data collection across multiple interest holders.
We Engage 4 Health
The 5-year We Engage 4 Health project, funded by the National Institutes of Health Science Education Partnership Award, uses participatory research methods to collect data and stories. Residents of communities that struggle with health and environmental challenges design, implement, and evaluate interventions to improve science literacy and community health. The evaluation primarily focuses on elevating participant and community voice and perspectives through focus groups, interviews, and group level assessments.
ResultsOHIO is an infrastructure within the Ohio Office of the Treasurer’s office that enables policymakers and innovators to pursue pay for success projects aimed at tackling the most pressing social and public health challenges facing Ohio. UCESC served as the evaluator for iSee, the inaugural ResultsOhio project that provided 3,974 eye exams and 3,418 prescription glasses for students in Appalachian Ohio.
Ohio Literacy Project
The Ohio Literacy Project involved a comprehensive and robust mixed methods evaluation of five-year pilot project in 24 schools in 15 Ohio school districts. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the Ohio Department of Education, the pilot provided online and in-person professional development for pre-kindergarten through third grade teachers, coaches, and administrators, using Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) materials.
Child Focus Needs Assessment
Child Focus provides a variety of mental health and early learning services, including serving for more than 20 years as a school-based mental health provider for Clermont County school districts. The purpose of the needs assessment, funded in part by Interact for Health, is to gather school, parent, and student perspectives on current needs for school-based services, social supports, and resources in the county.
Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training
The Midwest Consortium for Hazardous Waste Worker Training provides model training programs to workers and residents who may be exposed to hazardous substances. This programming, funded by the National Institutes for Environmental Health Sciences, is delivered by 13 training centers in nine states for more than 11,000 participants each year. The evaluation focuses on measuring increases in participant knowledge and capability to address exposure on the job and in the community.