
“The CJ undergraduate research course played a crucial role in my education and training in research methods, furnished me with refined presentation skills, and aided me tremendously in the process of applying to graduate school. Engaging with a research mentor gave me the opportunity to learn one on one and seek valuable direct feedback on research papers, posters, and application materials. This experience allowed me to grow as a scholar in my own area of interest, and ultimately helped me to succeed in research projects in my current graduate program.”

- Alison Farringer (2013-2014 program)

“The undergraduate advanced field placement class provided me with hands on experience about the fundamental properties of criminal justice research. In addition to learning how to properly code, manage, organize and store a primary data set, I was taught about the graduate school application process, the expectations of graduate students, and the proper format of a curriculum vita. Without the opportunity provided by the undergraduate advanced field placement class I believe I would not have experienced a similar level of success in the criminal justice graduate program. The experiences and academic connections generated from the undergraduate advanced field placement class are invaluable and instrumental to the development of future practitioners in the field of criminal justice.“

-Ian Silver (2013-2014 program)

“My participation in the Undergraduate Research Program was an invaluable experience. I acquired skills that are transferable to other disciplines and I made connections with faculty that I still utilize post graduation. If you are even thinking of going into research in any capacity I'd recommend that you take advantage of this course.”

- Courtney Booker (2014-2015 program)

“The Undergraduate Research Experience was invaluable. In addition to developing research skills and knowledge, I learned the importance of professionalism and networking. My research hours led to incredible opportunities and gave me a strong background for my future studies and career in the field. The program helped make me a more well-rounded individual, and I would recommend it to anyone.”

- Jason Conrad (2014-2015 Program)

“This is truly a student oriented course that provides advancements through real-world experience in the field of criminal justice research. In this course, I learned so much about the process and all the details that go into a research project from start to finish. In creating an individualized project I gained numerous opportunities that enhanced me professionally. These included getting to present my work at the UC Undergrad Research Conference, enhancing my CV, research experience, and networking. I would recommend this course to anyone who is interested in research or in a field of study that requires research experience.“

- Sabrina DeMore (2014-2015 program)

"The undergraduate research program allowed me the opportunity to connect with other undergraduate students, current graduate students, and network with the criminal justice faculty. The program encouraged a hands-on research environment which allowed for an increase of knowledge outside of the regular classroom experience. The graduate school preparatory aspect of the program helped a lot with developing an application for further education programs. With the program, I gained numerous skills including public speaking, data analysis, and conducting an academic presentation. The unique skills I learned from the undergraduate research program contributed to the successful admissions into graduate schools and set me apart from other applicants in the competitive job market."

- Jill Johnston (2014-2015 program)

"I am extremely grateful for this experience as it taught me a lot about myself...This experience also taught me that I am cable of completing things I hadn’t ever imagined doing."

- Miranda Bachman (2022-2023)

"The connections I've been able to build...have been extremely beneficial, and I have been able to receive further opportunities from networking with them."

- Priscilla Caballero (2023-2024)