Higher Education Leadership
Why study Higher Education Leadership?
The Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Leadership is offered through the College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH), Educational Leadership program. Educational Leadership (EDLD) is the primary discipline charged with providing foundational knowledge to educators, scholars, and future educational administrators as they pursue excellence in research, teaching, and service that addresses real world challenges and innovative solutions that build stronger academic institutions.
Decades of research and reform efforts in higher education have yielded one area of near-universal agreement-- exceptional educational institutions have excellent leaders. Effective educational leaders transform existing educational systems and the communities they serve, by which increasing the demand for effective and responsive professional practitioners in higher education. This graduate certificate is designed for graduate students, college and university administrators, school practitioners, and other working professionals with a related academic backgrounds in areas of education, organizational leadership, business and finance, educational law, public policy, and institutional research.
The graduate certificate centers on the nexus between theory and practice and explores critical issues facing higher education leaders, policymakers, and stakeholders today. Collaborations between and among faculty and students as well as linkages with practicing college and university administrators are important components of this graduate certificate.
Admission Requirements
Successful applicants will:
- Hold a bachelors degree from a college or university regarded as standard by a regional or general accrediting agency and
- Have at least a B average (3.0/4.0 system) in relevant undergraduate course work or otherwise give evidence of promise that is judged satisfactory by the admitting program
The Higher Education Leadership graduate certificate is designed to advance the careers leadership competencies and knowledge base of local regional and national college and university of administrators, academic, student affairs professionals, K-12 educational leaders, and for-profit academic administrators. Additionally individuals from other non-profit backgrounds seeking career advancement opportunities in the field of higher education or who are interested in matriculating into similar degree programs such as educational licensures will benefit from the Higher Education Leadership graduate certificate. Graduates of this program will be prepared for the careers listed below. All opportunities may not be listed.
The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.Assistant Professor of Higher Education
The Higher Education Leadership Graduate Certificate is the only graduate certificate offered in Educational Leadership with a Higher Education focus in the State of Ohio. The certificate will prepare individuals for a variety of leadership and professional roles in higher education and postsecondary professional settings. The graduate certificate is the foundation and grounding for an eventual master’s degree in Higher Education. The certificate will focus on new and midlevel professionals who have careers or career interests in student services, enrollment management, institutional research, academic affairs, and institutional advancement. With the opportunity to complete the certificate in only one year, students will be able to benefit from learning and networking with students, faculty, staff, and administrators from other two- and four-year institutions in the Greater Cincinnati and Southern Ohio area.
In order to graduate from the UC College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services, a student must:
- Complete all required course work and program requirements.
- Obtain at least a 3.0 university grade point average.
- Be in good academic standing; that is, not on academic or disciplinary probation or suspension.
- Meet the college's residency requirement of 30 semester credit hours.
- File formal application for the degree by the posted semester of graduation deadline.
Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in School of Education
Application Deadlines
- Fall: August 1st
- Spring: December 15th
- Summer: May 1st
Contact Information
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Program Code: 18GC-LHE-GC