Research Areas

The lab works in partnership with federal, academic, and industrial partners to develop research solutions for real-world problems, collaborate in research projects, and engage undergraduate and graduate students to participate in research to create a new generation of IT researchers.

  • Applied Machine Learning in activity detection and incident prediction from video streams, funded by Procter and Gamble (P&G) company.
  • Improving the Quality of Video Prediction.
  • Heart Diseases prediction and detection.
  • Diabetes prediction and detection.
  • Towards improving the women heath in rural and urban life.
  • REVELARE: A Hardware-Supported Dynamic Information Flow Tracking Framework for IoT Security and Forensics, funded by the National Science foundation (NSF).
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) in improving healthcare system.
  • Security of healthcare data.
  • Predicting high-risk victims of shooting attacks, a collaboration with criminology information technology lab