Doctoral - Level Curriculum Sequence

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in School Psychology is based on a comprehensive 5-year program of study, with 3 years of sequential coursework and integrative field experiences, a year of internship (minimum 1500 hours), the doctoral comprehensive examination (completed as portfolio), and research and dissertation requirements. The Masters degree (M.Ed.) is earned upon completion of requirements in Year 1. The program of study is designed to prepare highly competent professional school psychologists as scientist-practitioners who are trained to be both competent consumers and producers of new knowledge and who are broadly trained to deal with diverse and complex problems from a problem-solving perspective. The doctoral curriculum is based on disciplinary standards for Professional Psychology and School Psychology, including the Guidelines and Principles of the American Psychological Association and Standards of the National Association of School Psychologists as well as the Program’s philosophy and model of training.

Core school psychology courses are taken in sequence. Foundation and support courses that are required but that are not individually sequenced are taken across the first 3 years of study, prior to the Doctoral Internship.

Year 1

Overview: Orientation to the profession of school psychology, to research (through participation on research team) and to the Doctoral Program training model; mastery of scientific, methodological, and theoretical foundations for psychology in general and professional practice specifically. The Masters Degree (M.Ed.) is awarded in Spring Quarter of Year 1 upon successful completion of all curricular requirements and passing the Masters Comprehensive Examination demonstrating knowledge of behavioral foundations.

Year 2

Overview: Development of competencies for professional practice; continued development of research competencies (through research teams , beginning development of independent research project, and application of internally valid behavioral research design through practicum);  continued mastery of scientific, methodological, and theoretical and professional practice knowledge foundations; integration of knowledge and skills across courses, beginning development of teaching competency through mentored teaching experiences.

Year 3

Overview: Completion of advanced doctoral coursework and experiences in school psychology, consistent with doctoral themes of research, leadership and supervision, teaching, change facilitation, and advanced behavioral content; completion of Advanced School Experience; completion of pre-dissertation research requirements (completed research project with submitted presentation and article); completion of an supervised teaching experience and University sponsored course work on effective teaching, completion of Doctoral Comprehensive Examination (Doctoral Portfolio) and advancement to candidacy; application for Doctoral Internship.

Years 4


Year 5


For more detailed information about the Program curriculum, field experiences, and research requirements, please refer to the: