2024 Transformative Leadership Vanguard

Cultivating Leadership in Front-Line Youth Justice Staff for Systemic Change

A Vanguard is the forefront of a movement, made up of people who have a strong desire for change, and who will lead the way in new developments or ideas. It is with great excitement we introduce the inaugural Transformative Leadership Vanguard, a 10-month collective training summit with ongoing training and technical assistance (August 2024 – May 2025).

The Transformative Leadership Vanguard is run by the CSG Justice Center, the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute, and the Georgetown University’s Center for Juvenile Justice Reform with support from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

The creation of this Institute is a direct response to the need for system-wide transformation by creating organizational champions at the front-line level. The main purpose is to help jurisdictions cultivate champions to serve as expert ambassadors, coaches, strategists, and innovators who are prepared to lead both internal and external staff recruitment, retention, and wellness efforts, and to develop innovative, research-based approaches to effectively respond to the growing concerns around youth crime and violence. Champions will learn about evidence-based practices, communication and leadership, and how to leverage their skills to re-shape the culture, climate, and practices of their agency from within. Through an institute training summit and ongoing training and technical assistance, the Institute will position staff to identify, plan for, implement, and sustain strategies to promote organizational transformation and to meet current system challenges head-on. Participants will receive a certificate of completion upon presentation of a Capstone Project during the Close-Out Summit.

How To Apply

The application for the Transformative Leadership Vanguard will go live on January 31, 2024 via a Microsoft Teams Form submission at  https://forms.office.com/r/6cgHF1Q9yE.

For submission trouble or additional questions, please contact Leslie.Drummond@uc.edu for more information.