Impact Accelerator

Picture of the Impact Accelerator team

The Impact Accelerator is a research development and grant supports office in CECH. The Impact Accelerator supports the creation of evidence-based, research-driven, real-world solutions that make a difference in the community.

In the summer of 2019, the Impact Accelerator was established at the College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services, and Information Technology (CECH) with funding provided by the University of Cincinnati Office of Research. Since then, the Impact Accelerator has helped bring in over $17 million in external funding.


The Impact Accelerator strives to: 

  • Increase the creation and transfer of knowledge through applied research.
  • Create links to agencies in Ohio and across the nation to build collaborative research ventures.
  • Assist CECH faculty and staff to connect with each other, other UC Colleges, the community, and with industry partners to increase individual and cross-collaborative sponsored research and development activities.


Impact Accelerator can help you in every step of the grant application process from identifying funding sources through submission. The office can also help with:  

  • Funding source identification
  • Strategic planning and forecasting
  • Proposal management and organization
  • Formatting and proofreading
  • Example documents and boilerplates
  • Mock grant scoring
  • One-pagers and white papers


If you have questions about how the Impact Accelerator can help you and your research goals, contact us!