Summer Courses

We Offer Summer Courses!

That's a great way to move forward with your study!

The Center for ESL offers online Reading/Writing courses for undergraduate students in the Summer so that students can move forward with the English Composition requirement without losing time over the break. Courses offered in the Summer are based on enrollment. Please register early to ensure the availability of the course you plan to take.

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Visit our Placement Test page for more information

NOTE: All ESL writing courses have prerequisites and you will not be able to register for courses until the prerequisites have been met.

Undergraduate Level Courses

This course is designed familiarize international students with the basic genres of academic writing at the university level. At the end of the course, students will be able to apply vocabulary and grammatical structures to summarizing, describing, making comparison and contrast, and expressing opinions. Placement into the course will be determined by TOEFL, IELTS, or Writing Placement Test score.

This course is designed to support international students to become competent in academic reading and writing in the style commonly accepted in American universities. At the end of the course, students will be able to summarize various texts, identify and respond to problems, analyze texts, and make strong arguments. Placement into the course will be determined by TOEFL, IELTS, or Writing Placement Test score.

This course is designed to develop international students skills in critical reading and thinking strategies, textual analysis, and rhetorical awareness during the composing process. At the end of the course, students will be able to summarize, analyze, and synthesize texts and problems. This course is equivalent to 15ENGL1000. Placement into the course will be determined by TOEFL, IELTS, or Writing Placement Test score.

This course is designed to strengthen international students competency in critical reading, writing, and textual analysis with particular focus on argument and research-based writing. At the end of the course, students will be able to employ a variety of modes of discourse to effectively summarize, critically analyze, and selectively implement texts to support their argument-making and research-presenting. This course is the equivalent of 15ENGL1001. Placement into the course will be determined by TOEFL, IELTS, or Writing Placement Test score.

This course is designed for international students to integrate critical reading and writing, rhetorical understanding of language, and advanced research and argument skills in designing, conducting, and composing research projects. At the end of the course, students will develop a better understanding of data-based research writing process through first-hand experience. This course is specifically for non-native writers of English and is equivalent to 15 ENGL2089.