Dr. Debi Koetzle

Deborah Koetzle is Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and a member of the Criminal Justice PhD faculty at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York. She earned her doctorate in Criminal Justice from the University of Cincinnati. Her research interests center around effective interventions for offenders, problem-solving courts, risk/need assessments, and the use of social media by police departments. She has served as a consultant to local, state, and federal agencies on the topic of assessment, treatment and quality assurance within both institutional and community-based programs and is currently working with the National Association of Drug Court Professionals to develop empirically based standards for adult drug courts. Her research has appeared in Justice QuarterlyCrime and Delinquency, and the Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency.

If you would like to contact Dr. Koetzle, please email her at: dkoetzle@jjay.cuny.edu