FAQ About Curriculum and Instruction

Where can I find more information about the Curriculum and Instruction program?

Please view the Curriculum and Instruction Handbook. For other questions you can consult the University of Cincinnati Graduate school handbook.

I am interested in financial aid. Who do I contact?

To learn more about Financial Aid opportunities that exist, please visit the Financial Aid website.

How long do students typically take to finish the C&I Master's degree?

Part-time students take 3-9 hours per semester. Full-time students must take 10 or more hours per semester. You need to take one course per academic year to remain an active student.

Minimum time to degree is 1 year. Maximum time to degree is 5 years. It typically takes 2 years for students to complete the master's program. The master's program is a total of 30 hours.

I live in the Greater Cincinnati area. What are the benefits to being an on-campus student?

Students who apply to the on-campus program can apply for the Graduate Incentive Award (GIA). Typically, these merit-based awards will cover 25% of your tuition (instructional costs only). If you meet with a faculty member in your UC program who is willing to write a letter of recommendation, you may be eligible to have 35% or 50% GIA support. Students must reapply for GIA support annually.

You are also able to take some online classes even within an on-campus program.

I just want my license. What are my next steps?

  • To get your middle (grades 4-9) or secondary license (grades 7-12), you must enroll in the C&I master's program.
  • For middle school licensure, please contact Dr. Susan Gregson or 513-556-0249.
  • For secondary licensure, please contact Dianna Greivenkamp  or 513-556-9136.

What is the capstone project?

The capstone project is final demonstration of the ideas and skills you have learned in the program applied to a specific problem. The objectives of the capstone project are as follows:

  • utilize research
  • demonstrate reflective practice
  • demonstrate pedagogical content knowledge
  • understand role of educational context
  • understand the influence of persistent issues or theoretical framework

What are my options for the capstone project?

Please review the C&I Handbook for project descriptions. Currently, there are three different projects you can choose from: action research, curriculum unit or portfolio.

I am an international student. What are the C&I application requirements?

There are TOEFL test and program requirements for international students. Please review the C&I Handbook for more details.

Students with degrees received in China

Applicants who have received degrees in China will upload their unofficial transcripts during the application process. The university defines "unofficial" transcripts as transcripts that have been in the hands of students, are typically printed on plain paper, and do not have a college seal or registrar's signature. Unofficial transcripts do NOT need to be verified at this stage of the application process.

After being accepted to join a graduate program

Applicants who have earned a degree in China must submit an English-version verification report from the China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center (CDGDC) of their final transcripts and degree certificates. All verification reports must be sent to the University of Cincinnati directly by the CDGDC to be considered official. No other verification will be accepted. Applicants with Chinese transcripts must contact the CDGDC after their degree is completed and request that their degree verification report be submitted directly to the University of Cincinnati. Students who request a verification report prior to degree conferral will be required to submit a second report after conferral.

Verification reports can be ordered at the following websites:

Verification reports are due to the Graduate School one week prior to the start of the student's first semester. Failure to submit verification reports on time will result in a student being placed in non-matriculated status and loss of his/her student visa status. Verification reports should be sent to one of the following addresses:

Regular U.S. postal mail: Delivery via parcel delivery service (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.):

Graduate School Graduate School

University of Cincinnati University of Cincinnati

110 Van Wormer Hall 2614 University Circle

P.O. Box 210627 110 Van Wormer Hall

Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0627 Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0627

I have graduate credit that I would like to transfer to UC. Is this possible?

A maximum of 15 semester credit hours taken as a matriculated candidate in another UC college may be transferred into a candidate's program. Candidates must have earned a grade of B or higher in these courses. In no case can the Culminating Experience requirement be fulfilled by transfer of credit from another college or university.

A maximum of 12 semester credit hours taken as a non-matriculated candidate may be applied toward the degree. Candidates must have earned a grade of B or higher in these courses. Requests for this credit require the completion of the Recommendation for Advanced Standing Form, which is forwarded to the Graduate Division of Research and Advanced Studies. In no case can the Culminating Experience requirement be fulfilled by transfer of credit from another college or university.

Eligibility for graduation requires a minimum of 30 graduate credits, at least 50% of which must be completed while matriculated in the graduate program granting the degree. Many programs require more credits for the degree, and students should confer with their individual programs to ascertain program requirements. In no case may more than 50% of the final program requirements be satisfied by transfer from another institution. Students who wish to transfer credits taken outside the university after matriculating into a program must obtain approval from their program for those transfer credits in advance of taking the outside courses.

I have to work while taking classes. How realistic is it to have a part or full-time job?

Many of the current students teach full-time and take 3-6 credit hours per semester. Some of the current students hold part-time positions or work infrequently and they are able to take a full load of courses (10-12 credit hours).

What sorts of careers do C&I graduates hold?

Typically, C&I graduates go on to teach in PreK-12 grade or adult education settings, both in formal (public, private and charter schools) and informal settings (museums, parks, educational publishing companies, corporate training centers, non-profit organizations). Some also work as in-service educators who are interested in planning, developing, implementing and evaluating their education programs in school and non-school settings.

How do I access the library, research and online resources?

The CECH Library website provides links to key education related research and curriculum databases and information about the library's print resources. Students may find these online library research guides helpful as well:

I am interested in getting my doctoral degree in education, where can I get information?

We have a doctoral program in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education through the Educational Studies PhD.