Curriculum & Instruction


Why study Curriculum & Instruction?

The University of Cincinnati’s Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction + Licensure graduate program develops educational leaders for a variety of settings. The program prepares educators to generate, use, and critically examine research in teaching and learning in order to enhance educational practices for learners in formal and informal educational settings across the age span.

There are two concentrations our students can choose from in this program:

Middle Childhood Education

Candidates who already have earned a bachelor’s degree may apply for admission to a joint program which includes both an initial Ohio Middle-Level teaching license in grades 4-9, and a Master’s degree in Education in C&I. Some courses satisfy requirements for both the middle childhood and C&I programs. Candidates who successfully complete the C&I masters plus licensure are eligible to apply for an Ohio initial teaching license in Middle Childhood Education. These programs are accredited by CAEP and meet state requirements for licensure.

Licensure in Middle Childhood Education (grades 4-9) requires selecting two of four subject areas (Language Arts, Social Studies, Science, Mathematics). The length of the program depends upon many factors, especially the undergraduate coursework that the student has previously completed and the two chosen content areas. The minimum length for completion is two academic years (four semesters).

Potential students must meet with the Middle Childhood Program Coordinator prior to submitting an application.

The master’s with middle childhood licensure program is hybrid. The licensure component requires participation in a cohort that requires four semesters of full-time, in-person, coursework, and field experiences. Students must begin cohort in the Fall.

During the licensure cohort, students will complete up to 18 hours of coursework that also counts toward the master’s degree. The remaining 12 hours of the master’s degree are completed 100% online.   

The program is full-time and requires candidates to be engaged in school-based experiences, including a semester of full-time student teaching, arranged by the program field coordinators. While some courses are taught online, the majority of courses are taught on UC’s Clifton campus in face-to-face sessions.

There is more information about the Middle Childhood Education program on our website.

Secondary Education

The Secondary Education concentration plus Licensure is an initial licensing strand of the campus-based Curriculum and Instruction Master degree (C&I M.Ed.). Candidates who successfully complete the C&I masters plus licensure are eligible to apply for an initial Ohio Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) teacher license. Teachers who are currently licensed in grades 7-12 should not apply for this C&I masters strand but consider one of our other offerings.

The C&I secondary masters plus licensure is a cohort-based program, as such candidates must meet the admissions requirements of the CI masters program and the specific requirements of licensure programs in the state of Ohio. These requirements include meeting the specific disciplinary content requirements of the license sought and satisfactory findings on Federal and State background checks, TB tests, and a statement of good moral conduct.

There is more information about the Secondary Education program on our website.

Admission Requirements

The following are requirements for admission:

  1. Prerequisite Degree -­-  The applicant must possess a Baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  2. Minimum GPA -­-  The applicant must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 at the undergraduate level leading to the Bachelor Degree. An applicant who possesses a Masters Degree or has undertaken any graduate-level work before applying must have an average of at least 3.0 in their graduate work. All calculations are based on a 4.0 scale.
  3. Transcripts -- All applicants are required to upload their unofficial transcripts during the application process, showing all undergraduate and graduate course work completed, including degrees granted and dates of degrees. The university defines “unofficial” transcripts as transcripts that have been in the hands of students, are typically printed on plain paper, and do not have a college seal or registrar's signature. Applicants should NOT send official transcripts as part of the application process.
    • Students who have received degrees from the University of Cincinnati do not need to submit official paper copies of their UC transcripts.
  4. No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score required
  5. A statement of the applicant's academic and professional goals. Specific directions detailing what is to be included in this statement are located on the UC Graduate School admission website. This goal statement serves two purposes. It will be used as a sample of your writing quality and to ensure your goals match with the program. The applicant should explain specifically what areas she or he would like to study so that an appropriate advisor may be assigned to the applicant if admitted into the program.
  6. A résumé relevant to academic and professional data -- The submission should include the applicant's name; address; phone; email; colleges attended with degrees, dates conferred, and grade point average; employment history; professional experience; present employer; and names of references.
  7. At least two letters of recommendation from people familiar with the applicant’s academic and professional abilities. If possible, at least one letter should be from a faculty member in higher education.
  8. Candidates who graduated from a non-­-accredited college or university or who do not meet the minimum grade point averages required for admission may be admitted by a committee of faculty members from the program to which the candidate applied based upon an evaluation of evidence submitted by the candidate. As a minimum, the evidence must address mastery of the knowledge prerequisite to the courses required by the program, acceptable writing skills, the ability to engage in critical thinking, and a personal commitment to completing the program. The evidence must convincingly demonstrate the candidate's potential for success in graduate-level work.
  9. Candidates who are not accepted for admission into a Master’s Degree program may not apply to the same program for at least one academic semester. During that period, such applicants may be encouraged by the program to enroll in appropriate course work to develop the knowledge, skills, and values deemed necessary for admission into the program, or to demonstrate that the applicant already possesses such qualifications. Whether such coursework may apply to the degree program is left to the discretion of the program. Completion of this coursework does not guarantee admission into the program.
  10. Advanced standing for a limited amount of coursework taken prior to admittance to the program is possible. Graduate course work completed 5 or more years prior to admission will not be applied to the requirements.
  11. Providing academic records after admission -- Once an applicant has been extended an offer of admission to the University of Cincinnati and has accepted the offer, s/he must submit an official transcript showing conferral of a baccalaureate degree or higher as soon as possible to the address below. The university defines “official” transcripts as transcripts that have been received from a secure, authenticated issuing institution and bears validation (e.g., a seal, logo, or watermark), including a date, and an appropriate signature. Official transcripts MUST be sent forward in their original, sealed envelope. The absolute final deadline for submission of official transcripts is one week before the start of the student’s first semester. Students will NOT be allowed to complete a full semester without providing verification of an earned baccalaureate degree or higher. Any discrepancy later found between student-provided unofficial transcripts and official transcripts will be grounds for dismissal. Official Transcripts should be sent to one of the following addresses:
    1. Regularly U.S. Postal Mail:
      • Graduate School
        University of Cincinnati
        110 Van Wormer Hall
        P.O. Box 210627
        2614 University Circle
        Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0627
    2. Delivery via parcel delivery service (FedEx, DHL, UPS, etc.):
      • Graduate School
        University of Cincinnati
        2614 University Circle
        110 Van Wormer Hall
        Cincinnati, Ohio 45221-0627

The Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction is designed for in-service educators who are interested in planning developing implementing and evaluating their educational programs in school and non-school settings. Graduates of this program will be prepared for the careers listed below. All opportunities may not be listed.

The information provided is sourced from a third party, Lightcast. Their product, called Career Coach, combines extensive labor market data from Lightcast and the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics. It provides insights on industry, occupation, compensation, and projected growth for each profession. Economic and workforce information is available for various geographic regions. Some careers may require additional training or education.

If an applicant is admitted to the Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction-On Campus (C&I), they will be assigned a faculty advisor who will provide guidance and expertise throughout their program of study. The applicant will receive information about their faculty advisor in their admission letter that will be uploaded to the UC application portal. Applicants should contact their faculty advisor via email as soon as possible. The faculty advisor will create a plan of study during the applicants first meeting and will go over information regarding registration and enrollment.

During the course of the program, the student should meet, either face-to-face or in a formal online session. The advisor is a good source of information about the various opportunities that exist for the student to become involved in C&I and other on-campus opportunities. Student must meet with their assigned advisor at least once during each year in the program, preferably in the fall semester of the year. Important to note, the advisor also will guide you through the graduation application process so it is imperative that students meet and discuss this process in their final semester.

Before a candidate can graduate, he or she must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be registered for at least one credit in their program in the academic year, after having met minimum degree course requirements to be considered a graduate candidate throughout the academic year.
  2. Have all NG, N, I, UP, SP, and F grades removed for degree courses.
  3. Posting of satisfactory grades for the semester of graduation.
  4. Satisfactory completion of all applicable College and program requirements is provided by the major advisor filling out the Checklist for Completion of College/Department requirements for Graduation and sending it to the Graduate School.

Acceptance of Transfer Credits

  • A maximum of 15 semester credit hours taken as a matriculated candidate in another UC college may be transferred into a candidate’s program. Candidates must have earned a grade of B or higher in these courses. In no case can the Culminating Experience requirement be fulfilled by transfer of credit from another college or university.
  • A maximum of 12 semester credit hours taken as a non-matriculated candidate may be applied toward the degree. Candidates must have earned a grade of B or higher in these courses. Requests for this credit require the completion of the Recommendation for Advanced Standing Form, which is forwarded to the Graduate Division of Research and Advanced Studies. In no case can the Culminating Experience requirement be fulfilled by transfer of credit from another college or university.

For international admissions requirements, please visit our website.

Explore unique opportunities, faculty, and resources available in Curriculum & Instruction

Application Deadlines

PLEASE NOTE: Applications declaring Middle Childhood initial licensure will be considered for the fall semester only.

Fall Semester:

  • Application Deadline: July 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: August 1

Spring Semester:

  • Application Deadline: December 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: December 20

Summer Semester:

  • Application Deadline: April 1
  • Confirmation Deadline: April 15
The University of Cincinnati and all regional campuses are accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

The educator preparation programs at the University of Cincinnati are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Contact Information

CECH Office of Recruitment
2610 University Circle
Cincinnati, OH 45221
(513) 556-6308

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Program Code: 18MAS-CI-MED