Shreyas' Story

Technology and its advancement has always amazed me. I have always believed in practical approaches to solve real-world problems.

Photo of Shreyas  Chaudhari

I was born and raised in Mumbai, India. In high school, I was an enthusiastic student and would brush through the encyclopedia at home. Soon, with time, the encyclopedia evolved to Wikipedia, and before I knew it, I had become an ardent follower of Information Technology.

Following this passion, I selected the Information Technology program which further boosted my desire to push directly into a full-fledged career in the field of Software Development. In India, I completed my undergraduate degree in Information Technology. I was then accepted into the University of Cincinnati School of Information Technology (SoIT) to start my Master's Degree in Information Technology.

The SoIT made me realize that I am capable of more than I had ever dreamed. That I can rise to challenges and make a point of stretching beyond my comfort zone.

Shreyas Chaudhari MSIT, '21

UC’s SOIT has prepared me for real-life situations and jobs. Difficult courses have taught me exceptional critical-thinking skills and that the answers will not always be in front of my face. Through my courses, I have learned how to solve complex problems and that high-quality results take hard work.

I have had the privilege to serve as a Full-stack Software Development Intern in the Information Technology Solution Center (ITSC). Following this internship, I received my second co-op opportunity as a Software Developer at Projitech LLC in Cleveland, Ohio. 

As I reflect on my proudest moments in college, I would undoubetdly say that it was being recognized by the UC Division of Experience-Based Learning and Career Education for my co-op opportunities. My father is greatly admired in India for his education from one of the top engineering colleges in India. My recognition from UC was not only a proud for me, but also for my family.

“Never limit yourself or your capabilities because failures are the stepping stones that will help you from where you are to where you want to be.” - Shreyas Anil Chaudhari