Undergraduate Research

The purpose of the IT Undergraduate Research Mentoring Grant Program is to support undergraduate IT students who have new ideas to develop new solutions to current and future problems. Projects that fall in the areas of Cybersecurity, IT Sustainability, Mobile Development and Social Networking or Entertainment and Educational games will receive priority. However, all projects will be considered.

For more information, see the table below.

IT Undergraduate Research Mentoring Grant Program

Request for Proposals
Purpose: To support IT undergraduate students in conducting applied research to develop IT Solutions to problems facing individuals and organizations.
Who May Apply: Undergraduate students who have completed at least one year in the CECH IT program.
Award: A maximum of $1000 can be awarded per project. We expect at least 5 awards to be made.
Application Procedures:

Applications must include:

A.  Project Cover Sheet

B.  Proposal.  The proposal should not include names of researchers for purposes of blind review.  It should be typed, double-spaced, and have a maximum length of 5 pages (including proposal text and references).  Proposals that violate maximum length requirements will not be considered.  The proposal should address the following:

1. Purpose of the Study. State research questions, central issues, project goals, or other specific foci of the inquiry.  Also provide a rationale for the project.

2. Methodology.  Describe the research design, and include information about participants or informants, research sites, data collection plan and procedures, timeline for study completion, and analysis plan.

3. Researchers' Roles.  Describe the roles each member of the research team will assume during the study. Priority will be given to teams that place primary emphasis on the mentoring relationship(s) between the faculty member(s) and the student, or where both members are clearly involved in the research process.

C. Budget and Justification.  Specify the amount of funding requested, and how the money will be spent.  Funds will be dispersed in terms of TUITION remission.

Deadlines: Electronic copies of your application materials must be submitted to the School of IT no later than 3pm on December 31st.  Awards will be announced by January 31st.
Presentation: Awardees must present their project at the annual IT Expo to be held in April. Presentations at other venues such as the ACM SIGITE Conference are encouraged.

Projects funded are required to present a poster and demo at the annual IT Expo in April and are encouraged to submit a paper or a poster to the ACM SIGITE conference or similar venue. Students applying for these grants must be working with a faculty member, who agrees to provide mentorship and support.