
Fidelity is the principle of effective intervention most overlooked. An extensive body of literature supports the use of cognitive-behavioral interventions as an effective approach. Recognizing that the delivery of treatment is just as important as the type of treatment provided, the treatment fidelity principle cannot be ignored. Research supports coaching and quality assurance measures as reliable means to ensure program fidelity and effectiveness. 

Technical Assistance

UCCI can provide a range of services to help ensure your services are of high quality.  This includes how well your services adhere to the RNR model and individual program models.  Services include reviewing recorded or live interventions (e.g. risk assessment interview and scoring, group observation, and individual sessions) and providing specific feedback for improvement; on-site or off-site consultation, video conferencing overviews, reviewing curriculum, or any other area expert guidance is needed. Our content experts are available to help prioritize organizational needs and goals.

Technical Assistance Overview

Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)

Implementation of quality assurance measures for those directly using a program or intervention supports program fidelity. Further, program oversight is best maintained and quality assurance is most influential when agency staff can effectively peer coach others to ensure these measures.

CQI Overview


Providing coaching opportunities can increase staff effectiveness in the field. By monitoring the assessment process and intervention strategies, opportunities of growth can be identified, correctly modeled, practiced, and implemented allowing staff skills sets to expand and implementation barriers to be addressed. UCCI can provide coaching directly, or train agency staff to provide peer coaching.

Coaching Overview

Program Design 

Much can be applied from research findings to design agency programming in a way that meets the needs of justice populations and produces better outcomes in recidivism reduction and community safety. 

Program Design Overview

UCC has partnered with more than 25 agencies to provide program design services including;

  • Ohio Department of Youth Services
  • Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
  • North Dakota Department of Corrections
  • California Department of Juvenile Justice
  • Washington Department of Corrections
  • Volunteers of America, Greater Ohio
  • GEO, Incorporated

Group Observation Training

UCCI has created a training for staff to observe group sessions and offer effective feedback to facilitators for increased group fidelity. This training offers a standardized tool for use in monitoring group intervention sessions. With a variety of cognitive-behavioral group interventions in mind, the Group Observation training allows for measurement of inter-rater reliability for basic facilitation skills as well as program fidelity.