Literary Research and Innovation Center (LRIC)

The Literacy Research and Innovation Center (LRIC) is a research and teaching laboratory dedicated to advancing knowledge about how children learn and are instructed in literacy. A multi-disciplinary team of faculty and researchers comprise the LRIC. Our collaborative team includes individuals with specialized literacy knowledge from various fields such as literacy and second language studies, educational leadership, educational studies, special education, speech-language pathology, and design. In our center we focus on conducting and translating research into best practices for the classroom, developing innovative literacy practices, and delivering professional development programs.

Our Mission

  • To conduct scientific research on literacy learning and instruction to further understand important educational questions.
  • To innovate novel solutions to education's most pressing problems related to literacy learning and instruction.
  • To disseminate knowledge about literacy learning and instruction through professional development programs for teachers and parents.

Value Statement

We believe in the interdependence of research and practice to inform best approaches to literacy learning and instruction.