Graduate Student Association (GSA)

The primary goal of the Graduate Student Association for the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services is to provide information, build community, and provide a voice to the entire graduate students enrolled within the college of CECH. We are allotted an annual fixed budget from the Graduate Student Governing Association (GSGA) to sponsor conferences, host guest speakers, and hold social functions for the graduate students within CECH.

The primary goals of the CECH-GSA are to:

  1. Build a community of graduate students in the college
  2. Give all graduate students a voice in the college
  3. Provide information to graduate students

GSA Affiliations

GSGA (Graduate Student Governance Association)

GSGA is an organization run by graduate students for graduate students that serves as the executive board for the Graduate Student Assembly, which is comprised of representatives from each Graduate Student Association.

CSI (Center for Student Involvement)

UC students who want to be involved while attending the University of Cincinnati. Their mission is guiding purposeful student engagement, fostering a sense of community, providing opportunities for student growth and leadership development. They intend to build the leadership skills of UC students to make them better citizens.

CECH GSA Executive Board

President - Lindsey Insco, School of Criminal Justice

Vice-President - Esnart Mfune, School of Education

Treasurer - Sinui Park, School of Criminal Justice

Secretary - Amota Ataneka, School of Education

Distance Learning Representative - Alaa Tukruna, School of Human Services

Special Committee Chair - Catherine Moeller, School of Criminal Justice and Tiffany Berman, School of Education

Headshot of Lindsey Marie Insco

Lindsey Marie Insco

Graduate Assistant, CECH Criminal Justice

Lindsey Insco received her Bachelor's in chemistry from Xavier University in 2022 and her Master's in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati in 2023. Lindsey is currently a doctoral student of criminal justice at the University of Cincinnati. Her research interests include life course criminology, drug overdoses, and, more generally, terrorism. 
Headshot of Esnart   Mfune

Esnart Mfune

Graduate Assistant, CECH Graduate Programs-Education

Esnart is an international doctoral student in the college of education.  Her program concentration is  education community-based action research. Her research interests revolve around the intersection of early childhood education, emergency education, and the rights of girls.
Headshot of Sinui   Park

Sinui Park

Graduate Assistant, CECH Criminal Justice

Headshot of Amota   Ataneka

Amota Ataneka

Graduate Assistant, CECH Graduate Programs-Education

Amota is an international doctoral student advised by Dr Ben Kelcey (Professor of Quantitative Methods) at the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services at the University of Cincinnati. Amota is interested in causal evaluation and machine learning in education and social sciences. His research focuses on the design and analysis of individual and cluster randomized trials, methods for fully and partially nested multisite clustered randomized trials, optimal allocation, and power analysis. These are research areas that are well developed and relatively straightforward in natural science and pharmaceutical fields but young and complex in social sciences where there are contextual and latent factors to capture. Amota is currently exploring ways to apply Machine Learning (neural networks, explainable boosting, shapley values etc.) in multilevel and high-dimensional data structures in education and psychotherapy settings. He is also working with Australian researchers on developing a new, more nuaced and fair, evaluation framework called Critical DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) that is based on QuantCrit, the integration of quantitative and critical inquiry methodologies. Amota is also interested in developing user-friendly R packages and R ShinyApps to make sophisticated quantitative methodologies more accessible to social science researchers. Amota has presented his research at American premier research conferences, American Evaluation Association (AEA), American Educational Research Association (AERA), American Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness (SREE), and the American Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management. 
Headshot of Catherine Marliese Moeller

Catherine Marliese Moeller

Graduate Assistant, CECH Criminal Justice

Catherine is a doctoral student in the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology (2016) and a Master’s in Applied Behavioral Science with a concentration in criminal justice (2020) from Wright State University. Her research interests lie in corrections specifically focusing on offender rehabilitation, prisoner reentry, in-prison programming, and specialty courts.
Headshot of Tiffany Nicole Berman

Tiffany Nicole Berman

Graduate Assistant, CECH Graduate Programs-Education

Teachers College


Tiffany is a highly motivated and experienced educator passionate about early childhood education. She is currently a doctoral student in Educational Studies at the University of Cincinnati, where she is concentrating in Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education. Tiffany holds undergraduate degrees in Early Childhood and Inclusive Early Childhood Education and a master's degree in Curriculum & Instruction with a focus on STEM Learning. Her research interests include mathematics and science education, STEM/STEAM learning, and play-based learning.

CECH GSA Contact Information

If you have any questions or inquiries, please feel free to contact the GSA by email or our advisor Stacy Jenkins.

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Find us on GetInvolvedUC for more information or to join the CECH GSA.