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Latessa, Edward J., Reitler, Angela K. (2015) “What Works in Reducing Recidivism and How Does it Relate to Drug Courts?” Ohio Northern University of Law Review, Volume 41, No. 3, 757 (2015)

Makarios, Matthew, Sperber, Kimberly Gentry, Latessa, Edward J. (2014) “Treatment Dosage and the Risk Principle: A Refinement and Extension” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 53:5, 334-350, DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2014.922157

Cullen, F.T. & Wright, J.P. (Forthcoming) "Criminal Justice In The Lives Of American Adolescents: Choosing The Future" Jeylan Mortimer and Reed Larson (eds.), The Future of the Adolescent Experience: Societal Trends and the Transition to Adulthood in the 21st Century. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Shaffer, Deborah Koetzle, Hartman, Jennifer L., Listwan, Shelley Johnson, Howell, Terra, Latessa, Edward J. "Outcomes Among Drug Court Participants: Does Drug of Choice Matter?" International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume 55 No 1, February 2011, 155-174

Lowenkamp, C.T., Flores, A.W., Holsinger, A.M., Makarios, M.D., Latessa (2010) "Intensive supervision programs: Does program philosophy and the principles of effective intervention matter?"Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol 38 No 4 July-August 2010, 368-375

Latessa, Lemke, Makarios, Smith, Lowenkamp, C.T. (2010)"The Creation and Validation of the Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS)" Federal Probation, Vol 74 No 1 June 2010, 16-22

Lowenkamp, C.T., Makarios, Latessa, Lemke & Smith (2010)"Community Corrections Facilities for Juvenile Offenders in Ohio An Examination of Treatment Integrity and Recidivism" Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol 37 No 6 June 2010, 695-708

Cullen, F.T., Myer & Latessa (2009) "Eight Lessons From Moneyball: The High Cost of Ignoring Evidence-Based Corrections" Victims and Offenders, 4:197-213, 2009

Cullen, F.T., Smith, Lowenkamp & Latessa (2009) "Nothing Works Revisited: Deconstructing Farabee's Rethinking Rehabilitation" Victims and Offenders, 4:101-123, 2009

Lovins, B, Lowenkamp and Latessa (2009) "Applying the Risk Principle to Sex Offenders: Can Treatment Make Some Sex Offenders Worse?" The Prison Journal 2009, 89:344

Lowenkamp, C.T., Hubbard, Makarios and Latessa (2009) "A Quasi Experimental Evaluation of Thinking for a Change a "Real World" Application" Criminal Justice and Behavior, Vol 36 No 2 February 2009, 137-146

Lowenkamp, C.T., Lemke and Latessa (2008) "The Development and Validation of a Pretrial Screening Tool" Federal Probation, Vol 72 No 3 December 2008, 2-9

Vose, B, Cullen and Smith (2008) "The Emperical Status of the Level of Service Inventory" Federal Probation, Vol 72 No 3 December 2008, 22-29

Bechtel, K, Lowenkamp and Latessa (2007) "Assessing the Risk of Re-offending for Juvenile Offenders Using the Youthful Level of Service/Case Management Inventory" Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Vol 45(3/4), 85-108.

Steiner, Benjamin and Schwartz, John (2007) "Assessing The Quality Of Doctoral Programs In Criminology In The United States."  Journal of Criminal Justice Education Volume 18 Number 1 (2007) pp 53-86.

Engel, R.S. & Johnson, R. (2006) "Toward a better understanding of racial and ethnic disparities in search and seizure rates" Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 34, 605-617

Flores, A.W., Lowenkamp, Holsinger and Latessa (2006) "Predicting outcome with the Level of Service Inventory-Revised: The importance of implementation integrity" Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol 34 (2006) 523-529

Holsinger, A.M., Lowenkamp and Latessa (2006) "Exploring the validity of the Level of Service Inventory-Revised with Native American offenders" Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 34, 331-337

Holsinger, A.M., Lowenkamp and Latessa (2006) "Predicting Institutional Misconduct Using the Youth Level of Service/ Case Management Inventory" American Journal of Criminal Justice, Vol 30 No. 2, 2006 267-284

Johnson-Listwan, S., Cullen and Latessa (2006) "How to Prevent Prisoner Re-Entry Programs From Failing: Insights From Evidence Based Corrections" Federal Probation, Vol 70 No. 3, December 2006 19-25

Latessa, E.J. & Lowenkamp, C.T. (2006) "What Works in Reducing Recidivism" University of St. Thomas Law Journal Vol3:3 2006, 521-535

Lowenkamp, C.T., Latessa and Holsinger (2006) "The Risk Principle in Action: What Have We Learned from 13,676 Offenders and 97 Correctional Porgrams?" Crime and Delinquency, Volume 51 No. 1, January 2006 1-17

Lowenkamp, C.T. , Latessa and Smith (2006) "Does Correctional Program Quality Really Matter? The Impact of Adhearing to the Principles of Effective Interventions" Criminology and Public Policy, Volume 5 No. 3, 201-220

Lowenkamp, C.T., Pealer, Smith and Latessa (2006) "Adhearing to the Risk and Need Principles: Does it Matter for Supervision-Based Programs?" Federal Probation, Vol 70 No. 3, December 2006 3-8.

Steiner, B.M. and Schwartz J.R. (2006) "The scholarly productivity of institutions and their faculty in leading criminology and criminal justice journals" Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 34 (2006) 393-400

Engel, R.S. (2005) "Citizens’ Perceptions Of Distributive And Procedural Injustice During Traffic Stops With Police" Journal Of Research In Crime And Delinquency, Vol. 42 No. 4, November 2005 445-481

Flores, A.W., Russell, Latessa and Travis (2005) "Evidence of Professionalism or Quackery; Measuring Practitioner Awareness of Risk/Need Factors Effective Treatment Strategies." Federal Probation, Vol 69 No. 2, December 2005 9-14

Latessa, E.J. & Lowenkamp, C.T. (2005) "The Role of Offender Risk Assessment Tools and How to Select Them." For the Record 4th Quarter 2005: 18-20

Latessa, E.J. & Lowenkamp, C.T. (2005) "What are Criminogenic Needs and Why are They Important" For the Record 4th Quarter 2005: 15-16

Lowenkamp, C.T. & Latessa, E.J. (2005) "Developing Successful Reentry Programs: Lessons Learned from the "What Works" Research". Corrections Today April 2005

De Guzman, Melchor and James Frank (2004) "Using Learning as a Construct to Measure Civilian Review Board Impact on the Police: The Phillipine Experience." Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, 27(2): 166-182

Engel, R. S. & Calnon, J. M. 2004. "Comparing benchmark methodologies for police-citizen contacts: Traffic stop data collection for the Pennsylvania State Police".Police Quarterly 7(1): 97-125.

Engel, R. S. & Calnon, J. M. 2004. "Examining the influence of drivers' characteristics during trafficstops with police: Results from a national survey". Justice Quarterly 21(1):49-90.

Holsinger, Lowenkamp and Latessa 2004. "Validating the LSI-R on a Sample of Jail Inmates" Winter/Spring The Journal of Offender Monitoring 8-9

Latessa, Edward J. 2004. "The Challenge of Change: Correctional Programs and Evidence-Based Practices" Criminology & Public Policy, Volume 3 Number 4, PP 547-560.

Latessa, Edward J 2004. "From Theory to Practice: What Works in Reducing Recidivism?" State of Crime and Justice in Ohio 170-171.

Latessa, Edward 2003-2004. "Best Practices of Classification and Assessment" Journal of Community Corrections. Winter 2003-2004.

Lowenkamp, C.T. & Holsinger, A.M. 2004. "Empirical Evidence on the Importance of Training and Experience in Using the Level of Service Inventory-Revised." Topics in Community Corrections - 2004, pp. 49-53.

Lowenkamp, C.T., Holsinger, A.M., Brusman-Lovins, L., Latessa, E.J. 2004. "Assessing the Inter-Rater Agreement of the Level of Service Inventory Revised" Federal Probation, Volume 68 Number 3, PP 34-38.

Lowenkamp, CT & Latessa, EJ. 2004. "Investigating the relationship between program integrity and correctional program effectiveness" In Ohio Corrections Research Compendium, Volume II, Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

Lowenkamp, CT & Latessa, EJ. 2004. "Residential community corrections and the risk principle: Lessons learned in Ohio" In Ohio Corrections Research Compendium, Volume II, Columbus, OH: Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction.

Lowenkamp, CT 2004. "Results and Lessons Learned from Ohio The Principles of Effective Interventions" Presentation

Lowenkamp, C.T. & Latessa, EJ. 2004. "Understanding the Risk Principle: How and Why Correctional Interventions can Harm Low-Risk Offenders" Topics in Community Corrections - 2004, pp. 3-8.

Pealer, J.A. & Latessa, EJ. 2004. "Applying the Principles of Effective Intervention to Juvenile Correctional Programs" Corrections Today, December 2004, pp 26-29.

Engel, R. S. 2003. "Explaining suspects' resistance and disrespect toward police". Journal of Criminal Justice 31:475-492.

Engel, R. S. & Worden, R. E. 2003. "Police officers' attitudes, behavior, and supervisory influences: An analysis of problem solving" Criminology 41(1):131-166 .

Johnson-Listwan, S., Sundt, J.L., Holsinger, A.M. and Latessa, E.J. 2003. "The Effect of Drug Court Programming on Recidivism: The Cincinnati Experience" Crime & Delinquency Vol. 49 No. 3 July 2003, pp 389-411.

Liederbach, John and James Frank (2003) "Policing Mayberry: The Work Routines of Small Town and Rural Officers." American Journal of Criminal Justice. 28(1):53-72.

Lowenkamp and Latessa 2003. "Increasing the Effectiveness of Correctional Programming Through the Risk Principle: Identifying Offenders for Residential Placement"

Replace with your text

Cullen and Moon 2002. "Reaffirming Rehabilitation: Public Support for Correctional Treatment" Risk Reduction: Interventions for Special Needs Offender American Correctional Association

Engel, R. S. 2002. "Patrol officer supervision in the community policing era". Journal of Criminal Justice 30(1):51-64.

Engel, R. S. , Calnon, J. M., & Bernard, T. J. 2002. "Theory and racial profiling: Shortcomings and future directions in research" Justice Quarterly 19(2):249-273.

Latessa, Cullen, and Gendreau. 2002. "Beyond Correctional Quackery- Professionalism and the Possibility of Effective Treatment" Federal Probation Volume 66:2, 43-49

Mazerolle , Lorraine , Dennis Rogan, James Frank, Christine Famega and John Eck (2002) “Managing Citizen Calls to the Police: The Impact of Baltimore's 3-1-1 Call System.” Criminology and Public Policy, 2(1):97-124

Novak, K. J., Frank, J., Smith, B. W., & Engel, R. S. 2002. "Revisiting the decision to arrest: Comparing beat and community officers" Crime & Delinquency 48(1):70-98.

Watkins, Cory , Lorraine Green Mazerolle, Dennis Rogan and James Frank (2002) "Technological Approaches to Controlling Random Gunfire: Results of a Gunshot Detection System Field Test." Policing: International Journal of Police Strategy and Management, 25(2):345-370.

Bernard, T. J. & Engel, R. S. 2001. "Conceptualizing Criminal Justice Theory". Justice Quarterly 18(1):1-30.

Engel, R. S. & Silver, E. 2001. "Policing mentally disordered suspects: A reexamination of the criminalization hypothesis". Criminology 39(2):225-252.

Engel, R. S. 2001. "Supervisory styles of patrol sergeants and lieutenants". Journal of Criminal Justice 29:341-355.

Holsinger, Lurigio, and Latessa. 2001. "Practitioner's Guide to Understanding The Basis of Assessing Offender Risk" Federal Probation Volume 65:1, 46-50

Lowenkamp, Holsinger, and Latessa, 2001. "Risk/Need Assessment, Offender Classification, and The Role of Childhood Abuse" Criminal Justice and Behavior, Volume 28:5, 543-563

Matthews, Hubbard, and Latessa. 2001. "Making The Next Step: Using Evaluability Assessment To Improve Correctional Programming" The Prison Journal Volume 18:4, 454-472

Smith Brad, Kenneth Novak and James Frank (2001) “Community Policing and the Work Routines of Street-Level Officers.” Criminal Justice Review 26(1):17-37.

Cullen, Fisher, and Applegate. 2000. "Public Opinion about Punishment and Corrections" Crime and Justice A review of Research Volume 27, 1-79

Engel, R. S. 2000. "The effects of supervisory styles on patrol officer behavior". Police Quarterly 3(3):262-293.

Engel, R. S. , Sobol, J., & Worden, R. E. 2000. "Further exploration of the demeanor hypothesis: The interaction effects of suspects' characteristics and demeanor on police behavior". Justice Quarterly 17(2):235-258.

Johnson, Hubbard, and Latessa. 2000 "Drug Courts and Treatment: Lessons to be Learned from the "What Works" Literature" Corrections Management Quarterly 4(4), 70-77

Pratt, Holsinger, and Latessa. 2000. "Treating the Chronic DUI Offender "Turning Point" Ten Years Later"Journal of Criminal Justice Volume 28, 271-281

Jones, Johnson, Latessa, and Travis. 1999 "Case Classification In Community Corrections: Preliminary Findings From A National Survey" Topics In Community Corrections Annual Issue: Classification and Risk Assessment 4-10

Latessa. 1999. "What Works In Correctional Intervention" Southern Illinois University Law Journal Volume 23, 415-426

Latessa and Holsinger 1998. "The Importance of Evaluating Correctional Programs: Assessing Outcome and Quality" Corrections Management Quarterly 22-29

Applegate, Langworthy, and Latessa. 1997 "Factors Associated with Success in Treating Chronic Drunk Drivers: The Turning Point Program" Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Volume 24:3/4, 19-34

Fulton, Latessa, Stichman and Travis 1997. "The State of ISP: Research and Policy Implications" Federal Probation Volume 61:4, 65-75

Fulton, Stichman, Travis, and Latessa. 1997. "Moderating Probation and Parole Officer Attitudes to Achieve Desired Outcomes" The Prison Journal, Volume 77:3, 295-312

Moon, Applegate, and Latessa. 1997. "Reclaim Ohio: A Politically Viable Alternative to Treating Youthful Felony Offenders" Crime and Delinquency 43(4): 438-456

Langworthy, and Latessa 1996. "Treatment of Chronic Drunk Drivers: A Four-Year Follow-up of the Turning Point Project" Journal of Criminal Justice, Volume 24:3, 273-281

Latessa, Edward 1996. "The Supervision of Persons with Mental Illness on Probation Supervision" In Arthur J. Lurigio (Ed.) Community Corrections in America: New Directions and Sounder Investments for Persons with Mental Illness and Codisorders. Seattle: National Coalition for Mental and Substance Abuse Health Care in the Justice System

Worden, R. E. & Shepard, R. L. 1996. "Demeanor, crime, and police behavior: A reexamination of the Police Services Study data". Criminology 34(1):83-105.

Worden, R. E., Shepard, R. L. , & Mastrofski, S. D. 1996. "On the meaning and measurement of suspects' demeanor toward the police". Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 33(3):324-336.

VanVoorhis, Cullen, and Applegate. 1995. "Evaluating Interventions With Violent Offenders: A Guide For Practitioners and Policymakers" Federal Probation Volume 52:3, 17-27

Moon, and Latessa. 1994."Drug Treatment In Adult Probation An Evaluation of an Outpatient and Acupuncture Program" Evaluation and Program Planning Volume 17:2, 217-226

Cullen, Latessa, Kopache, Lombardo and Burton. 1993."Prison Wardens' Job Satisfaction" The Prison Journal Volume 73:2, 141-161

Latessa, and Moon. 1992. "The Effectiveness of Acupuncture in an Outpatient Drug Treatment Program" Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice Volume 8:4, 317-331