License Renewal Courses

One-Hour and Three-Hour Credit Course Options

We offer both 1-credit and 3-credit hour coursework to renew or reinstate your license.

Take just enough credits to renew your license, or apply your coursework into a graduate certificate, endorsement, or Master's program.

One Credit Hour course options, click below for more information:

Summer 2023 License Renewal Courses

All courses are fully online and offered asynchronous

  • IDT 7080 - Creating Digital Professional Portfolios runs 5/29/23-6/25/23
  • IDT 7090 - Conducting Usability Evaluations runs 5/08/23-5/28/23
  • IDT 7095 – Trends & Issues in Learning Technology Evaluation runs 5/8/23-5/28/23
  • IDT 7100 - Designing Online Assessments for Data-Driven Decisions runs 6/22/23-08/05/23
  • IDT 7125 - Professional Learning Certifications in Instructional Design and Technology runs 5/08/23-06/04/23
  • IDT 7180 - Learning Technology Professional Experience runs 5/08/23-08/25/23
  • LSLS 7005 - Phonics Theory & Practice: Early Childhood Education runs 5/30/23-07/02/23
  • LSLS 7016 - Adolescent Literature, Media & Popular Culture runs 07/03/23-08/05/23
  • LSLS 7027 - Theory to Practice: Models of Literacy runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • LSLS 7032 - Teaching Literature of Ethnic American Populations runs 06/25/23-08/05/23
  • LSLS 7033 - Seminar: Literature for Children and Adolescents runs 05/08/23-06/15/23
  • LSLS 7051 - Seminar in Literacy and Second Language Studies runs 06/02/23-06/27/23
  • LSLS 7053 - Foundations of First and Second Language Learning runs 06/22/23-08/05/23
  • LSLS 7054 - Literacy as a Linguistic and Cultural Tool runs 05/08/23-6/21/23
  • CI 6005 - Integrating STEM into Practice runs 06/22/23-08/05/23
  • CI 6060 - Gifted: Overview of Teaching Children and Youth who are Gifted, Creative or Talented runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • CI 6061 - Gifted: Creating Learning Environments for Children and Youth who are Gifted, Creative or Talented runs 06/22/23-08/05/23
  • CI 6062 - Gifted: Assessment of Children and Youth who are Gifted, Creative or Talented runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • CI 7003 - Teaching and Learning in Diverse Classrooms runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • CI 7004 - The Role of Teachers in a Democratic Society runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • CI 7006 - Global Education: Immigrant Children and Their Families runs 07/03/23-08/05/23
  • SPED 6001 - Individuals with Exceptionalities runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • SPED 6002 - Engaging and Supporting Families with Members with Disabilities runs 06/22/23-08/05/23
  • SPED 6004 - Autism Spectrum Disorders runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • SPED 7001 - Overview of Special Education Law runs 05/08/23-06/21/23
  • SPED 7007 - Promoting Positive Behaviors runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • SPED 7056 - Foundations, Trends, and Issues in Special Education Leadership runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 7035 - Educational Leadership Theory runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 7038 - Leadership for Social Justice runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 7061 - Student Development Theory runs 07/03/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 8032 - Human Resources Administration in Education runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 8034 - School Finance runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 8035 - School Law runs 05/08/23-08/05/23
  • EDLD 8037 - School and Community Partnerships runs 05/08/23-08/05/23

Please email the CECH School of Education Graduate Programs with any questions or to enroll.