Get Involved

Upcoming Events, Activities and Volunteer Opportunities

Get Involved

Eta Sigma Gamma (ESG) is a national health education honor society, and UC is home to the national award winning Gamma Eta chapter.  The group plans and implements health education activities on UC's campus and throughout the community.  Learn more about Eta Sigma Gamma .

Professional Conferences

Each school year there are multiple opportuntities for students to attend professional conferences such as the Health Educators' Institute, American Public Health Association, Society of Public Health Education, and more!  Attending conferences is a great way to network with other health educators and learn about current best practices being used in the field.

Lunch & Learn Workshops

Throughout the school year, the HPE program hosts a Lunch & Learn series for students to learn more about specific health topics, professional development, internships, and much more!  And we provide free lunch to all attendees!  Lunch & Learn Workshop dates and times are advertised in the HPE Newsletter, social media pages, and on Blackboard.

CHES Study Group

Each semester the HPE program hosts a study group for the Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) exam.  The exam is administered in April and October, therefore study groups take place in the few months leading up to those exam days.  Find out more information about the CHES exam.

Professional Development Events

Throughout each academic year, the HPE Program hosts professional development events. Each fall, the HPE Involvement Fair is held, where students have the opportunity to network with local health organizations and learn more about volunteer and internship opportunities at those sites. Each spring, the Mock Interview Day takes place. Students are able to take part in one-on-one mock interviews with community health and exercise professionals. After the interview is conducted, students recieve individualized and constructive feedback from their interviewer which will help them as they go on to pursue completitive internships and career opportunities.

Contact Amanda Lynch to learn more about any of our events and activities.

Partner with the UC Health Promotion and Education Program

Are you interested in becoming a Health Promotion and Education program partner? We are continually seeking individuals and organizations to work with our students in both the Community & Public Health and the Exercise & Fitness tracks. We have several opportunities for partnerships, including becoming an approved internship site, opportunities for class project partnerships, speaking engagements, and more. Please fill out our online form if you're interested. Contact Julia Buchanan with any questions you might have.