
On average, a college education costs $25,000 a year. CECH scholarship recipients know how much even a little support can help. Many CECH students are required to participate in unpaid internships, student teaching, or service learning which leave them little time for working a job. Scholarships help lift the burden and worry about the expenses that come with college-- tuition, books, cost of living, and transportation.

See the Impact

In 2015, Dean Larry Johnson awarded more than $800,000 in scholarships to more than 300 CECH students. Here are a few of their stories.

How can you help?

Whether you choose to create a new fund or give to an old one, we hope you will support scholarships in our College. See our complete list of scholarships established in CECH. It is thanks to thousands of donors just like you that we are able to award hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships each year. Thank you for your generous support!

Create a New Fund

Establishing an endowed scholarship fund is such a thoughtful and meaningful way to create a lasting legacy of philanthropy at the College of Education, Criminal Justice, and Human Services.

The minimum principal required to establish an endowed fund is $50,000, and can be raised over a five-year period of time. Outright gifts, pledges, and gifts from your will may all be used to establish an endowment. Once the point of endowment has been reached, the principal is invested by the University of Cincinnati Foundation and remains untouched. In turn, the interest generated by the fund each year provides CECH students with scholarship support in perpetuity.

Donors are welcomed to specify the terms of the scholarship, and may even choose to name the scholarship fund in honor or in memory of a colleague, loved one, or themselves. Donors are invited to attend the CECH Scholarship Ceremony and Reception, where they are able to meet scholarship recipients and their families. Generations of students to come will benefit from your thoughtfulness.

Give Annually

Many donors support CECH scholarships on an annual basis, and are able to achieve lasting impact through their gifts.

Donors are welcomed to specify the terms of their annual scholarship, and may even choose to name the scholarship fund in honor or in memory of a colleague, loved one, or themselves. Donors establishing named annual scholarships are invited to attend the CECH Scholarship Ceremony and Reception, where they are able to meet scholarship recipients and their families.

Support an Existing Fund

We are always striving to grow our existing scholarship funds. Gifts of all sizes are welcomed to your fund of choice. Click here for a list of this year's CECH funding priorities. Gifts to our CECH General Scholarship Fund are also welcomed, and allow us to give to any deserving CECH student in need.

Learn more

Contact Chris Eden, Assistant Dean of Development, for more information about how to establish an endowed or annual scholarship.