Arlitt Instructional Media
Arlitt Instructional Media (AIM) is one way in which the Arlitt Center contributes to the professional development of the early childhood community. The goal of Arlitt Instructional Media is to help early childhood professionals translate child development theory and research into best practice in early childhood classrooms. Through the use of video clips, teacher and expert interviews, and Power Point presentations we provide examples of evidence-based practices that can be used to design curriculum which meets national standards. Each product in our media series treats aspects of one curricular subject. The first component of the product is the video which includes clips showing preschool children engaged in activities and learning experiences related to the subject.
The video also includes interviews with Arlitt teachers providing insight into the strategies they use in their interactions with the children as well as the choices they make in regard to materials and activities they implement in the classroom. Classroom planning sessions are included to illustrate how Arlitt teachers are connecting the activities they plan in the classroom with national standards. Each video is hosted by an expert in the field who presents theory and research supporting the best practices demonstrated in the video as well as provides guidance for viewer reflection. The second component of the product is the Power Point presentation which is designed for instructors to use in concert with the video component in professional development training seminars.
The Power Point presentations and accompanying lecture notes provide a closer look at the theory and research presented in the video as well as detailed examples of classroom activities and directions for making materials that are featured in the video. Current titles in the Arlitt Instructional Media series include Mathematics in Early Childhood Education, Science in Early Childhood Education, Social Studies in Early Childhood Education, Language Arts in Early Childhood Education, Art in Universally Designed Preschool Environments, Mathematical Thinking: Geometry, Patterning, and Measurement in Early Childhood Education, and Managing Everyday Challenges through Positive Guidance. Future titles that are currently in development include promoting social and emotional development and classroom management, working with English Language Learners (ELL) in a preschool environment, and nature education in the early childhood classroom.
Mathematics in Early Childhood Education
Designing curriculum to meet standards with evidence-based practices.
Chapters in DVD Include:
- Mathematical Development Guides Planning. Learn how children develop mathematical concepts and ways in which teachers can use this knowledge to guide planning.
- Teacher Reflection Informs Planning. Discover how reflection can help teachers make modifications to the classroom environment and their own instructional strategies.
- Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities. Explore how to integrate mathematics throughout the early childhood classroom to create intentional teaching opportunities.
Instructional Media Includes:
- DVD showing preschool children engaged in mathematical thinking and problem solving
- Teacher interviews
- Classroom planning sessions
- Expert guidance for viewer reflection
- Power Point presentation for instructors
- Directions for making math materials featured in the DVD
"This DVD is an excellent professional development tool for teachers providing much needed content knowledge about mathematics learning in young children, as well as examples of intentional, effective teaching strategies." Sue Bredekamp, PhD Director of Research, Council for Professional Recognition Editor, Developmentally Appropriate Practice
"The DVD is informative from the standpoint of helping teachers understand that they must have knowledge and an understanding of "mathematical development" in order to plan meaningful experiences for preschool children. It builds awareness and, hopefully, encourages the viewer to think about how to be intentional, how to set up numerous opportunities throughout the day, and to observe and assess the developmental needs of children." Ed Greene, PhD Consultant in Child Development and Early Learning Director, Educational Global Outreach, Sesame Workshop
Science in Early Childhood Education
Designing curriculum to meet standards with evidence-based practices.
Chapters in DVD Include:
- Children's Development of Scientific Knowledge Guides Planning. Learn how teachers can plan and implement activities based on the ways in which children construct scientific knowledge.
- Teacher Reflection Informs Planning. Discover how teachers extend science activities and utilize questioning strategies to promote higher-level thinking.
- Integrating Science Throughout the Classroom. Explore how to integrate science throughout the early childhood classroom to create a rich, meaningful science curriculum.
Social Studies in Early Childhood Education
Designing curriculum to meet standards with evidence-based practices.
Chapters in DVD Include:
- Creating an Environment that Supports Social Studies Content. Learn how to set up the classroom environment to support social studies learning.
- Fostering a Classroom Community. Discover how to encourage children to work collaboratively, respect and value other, and become contributing citizens of a community. Also, learn about the important role families play in the classroom community.
- Building a Foundation for History. Explore developmentally appropriate ways to help young children construct knowledge of time to support history content standards.
Language Arts in Early Childhood Education
Designing curriculum to meet standards with evidence-based practices.
Chapters in DVD Include:
- Quality Literature is the Foundation for Interactive Reading. Learn how to incorporate quality literature and opportunities for interactive reading in the classroom.
- Knowledge of Print Awareness and Emergent Writing Guides Planning. Discover how to promote children's awareness of print through meaningful activities such as writing centers and charts.
- Planning for Intentional Teaching Opportunities Throughout the Classroom. Explore how to integrate literacy throughout the early childhood classroom to create intentional teaching opportunities.
ARLITT INSTRUCTIONAL MEDIA is a partnership between the Arlitt Child and Family Research and Education Center at the University of Cincinnati and Purdy Productions.
Arlitt Instructional Media c/o Purdy Productions
6851 Steger Drive Cincinnati, OH 45237
Phone: (513) 821-1785
Fax: (513) 821-1818