UC Reading Endorsement Practicum Information/Submission

This page contains the information you will need for your practicum experiences in LSLS 7028 & LSLS 7029. Practicum documents must be submitted before class begins.

Reading Practicum FAQ

Below is practicum information you will need for LSLS 7028 & LSLS 7029.

Practicum Overview-FAQ 
Practicum Selecting Tutee and Textbook
Reading Practicum Instructions

Practicum Forms

Below are the practicum forms you will need for LSLS 7028 & LSLS 7029. You cannot begin working withyour tutee until the paperwork is submitted using the link below. Also remember to include a copy of your mentor's license.

LSLS 7028 Practicum I - Primary Grades Placement 
LSLS 7028 Practicum I - Middle Grades Placement 
LSLS 7029 Practicum II - Secondary Grades Placement 
Practicum Parent Permission Form Tutor and Video

Practicum Logs

Below are the log sheets you should use to keep track of your Practicum work. There are two logs: oneto use with your actual tutoring sessions, the other to use for other work around your student/tutee(planning, lesson design, reporting, etc.). Make sure to keep track of your work as you do it to saveyourself from trying to recall what you did at the beginning of the sessions. Use new forms for eachgrade band tutee (primary, middle, secondary). When you have completed work with each student,submit them using the link below. Please note, these are Ohio requirements, so be sure to be accurate.The second page of each can be duplicated as many times as you might need.

P12RD Field Experience Log Sheet Tutoring 
P12RD Field Experience Log Sheet Planning

Mentor Information

This document will help you identity a mentor and provide information regarding their responsibilities. Mentor Responsibilities

Contact Information

If you have any questions, please contact Jillian Altus.