Environmental Spaces


Inspired by the ateliers of the schools in Reggio Emilia, the Arlitt Studio is designed to allow children space, time, and materials to explore their interests through in-depth project work. Children work in small groups, facilitated by the studio teacher, using a wide range of tools and materials such as clay, wire, digital media, microscopes, sewing machines, recycled materials, and a variety of other media to investigate ideas and communicate knowledge. When not engaged in a project, children have the opportunity to gain experience with the materials in the studio through small group guided explorations with the studio teacher.


The Arlitt PlayScape, a natural play space located a short walk from Arlitt on UC's campus, opened in August 2012 to provide children with a safe place to reconnect with nature. Time in nature has been found to have positive impacts on children's growth, including motor, cognitive, and emotional development. The PlayScape, through interactions with elements such as water, plant life, rolling hills, sand, and loose parts, provides ample opportunities for play based learning. Classes visit the PlayScape regularly, in all seasons, developing a relationship with the space and gaining a deeper understanding of the effects of time and seasonal changes in their environment.