
Tk20 is a tool to monitor and assess the progress of our teacher candidates in the University of Cincinnati School of Education. The TK20 purchase is required of all School of Education Teacher Candidates and will be used to ensure our programs align with requirements for critical state and national standards.

How do I purchase Tk20?

To purchase Tk20, go to

  • To ensure that you purchase Tk20 correctly, please review the instructions below.
    • Step 1: Go to the TK20 website.
    • Step 2: Select the “LOG INTO YOUR ACCOUNT” button.  (NOTE:  It may take 2-3 days to register and activate your account once purchased through TK20.)
    • Step 3: For first-time login, use your UC login ID (6+2) and your UC M# as your password (you can change these later!)
    • Step 4: Login through the Central Login screen using your UC username and password (what you use to login to Blackboard and Catalyst) if prompted. Need help finding your M Number (UCID)? Find it on your Bearcat card or go to One Stop > Personal Information.
    • Step 5: Update your password.
      • Once you have logged in for the first time, you will be prompted to create a password.
      • Password Requirements:
        • NOTE: Passwords are case sensitive
        • MUST contain a minimum of 6 letters
        • MUST not exceed 12 characters
        • May contain numbers
        • May contain special characters (#, !, *, etc.)
    • Step 6: You’ve logged into your TK20 account! Wait for further instructions from your program or course instructors or the Field Placement Office!    

                If you have any questions, please contact via email the TK20  Support office. 

How do I login to Tk20?

To login to Tk20, please watch this video

  • Note: Mentor Teachers will receive a link to Tk20 via e-mail to view candidate field binders.

Tk20 Fast Facts

  • Tk20 costs $113, plus tax. All initial licensure students admitted into professional cohort after Fall of 2017 must purchase TK20.
  • Individuals who are NOT students currently in an initial licensure professional cohort (mentors, university supervisors, alum applying for licensure, endorsement and principal candidates, and applicants to professional cohort) can access a guest account free of charge. If you are trying to apply for licensure, please visit the Licensure Application Information page.
  • Your account is active for 7 years from the date of purchase.
  • If you purchased Tk20 at another university, your account can be used at UC. Please contact Tk20 support via email.

Frequently Asked Questions

TK20 works best with Chrome or Mozilla Firefox.  Free downloads are available for both browsers online.

You will receive instructions from your course instructors or the School of Education Field Placement Office when you have tasks to complete in TK20. Until then, there is nothing further for you to do.

Between semesters, field binders that span multiple courses may become inactive.  If this occurs, it will reactivate at the beginning of the next semester and be available to you.

Tk20 Additional Resources