Publications and Presentations

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  • 16 peer reviewed journal articles published since 2018
  • 580 Citations
  • 5.23 average 2019-20 journal impact factor score (scores ranged from .27 to 21.11)
  • 7.6 average 2020 author h-index score (scores ranged from 1 to 18)
  • Subject areas of the publications varied based on our interdisciplinary strengths and expertise in:
    • biochemistry (i.e., biochemistry, genetic, and molecular biology and mathematics) analyses with large data sets;
    • studying the invariance of a questionnaire;
    • interdisciplinary training program on substance abuse prevention;
    • qualitative studies on transcultural nursing;
    • social justice

To learn more about individual team members' academic and community work, view our staff profiles.


  • 9 presentations since 2018
    • 1 international conference
    • 3 national conferences
    • 3 stakeholder presentations
    • 2 research conferences
  • Topic areas of presentations varied based on our interdisciplinary strengths and expertise in:
    • career and workforce training;
    • program evaluation of S-STEM;
    • state-wide early literacy pilot program;
    • cultural healthcare and nursing;
    • evaluation of graduate education

To learn more about individual team members' academic and community work, view our staff profiles.