Research Symposium

The School of Information Technology (SoIT) is pleased to invite you to participate in a forum for the exchange and dissemination of research ideas through the IT Expo on the second Tuesday in April this year. Research will be presented in the form of talks and poster presentations during this session. Research topics may range from state-of-the-art system development to recent progresses in scientific endeavors that are theoretical or applied areas of Information Technology, such as cybersecurity, data technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), IT infrastructure, interactive gaming, and user-centered design among others.

The primary purpose of the symposium is to exchange research ideas among graduate students, faculty, industry, and practitioners involved in IT research in our field. All presenters will be featured on the Expo website and entered into a competition for best submission. The awards will be given for best student submission and best submission overall in the amount of $500 and recognition of the award will be made at the IT Expo and SoIT website.

Presenter Selection Process

All submissions will be peer-reviewed, accepted work will be archived through the University of Cincinnati Libraries and published in open-access digital proceedings of the Research Symposium. Presenters will be expected to attend and present their work at IT Expo in the form of a research talk or poster presentation. 


The submission should contain

  1. A brief summary of the research project
  2. A problem statement
  3. Research question(s)
  4. A statement of research methods used (or planned to use if early work)
  5. A statement of research contributions and the significance of this research. 

All submissions to be considered for the best paper category should use the ACM template (single column - links to templates below) and should be valuable but concise contributions that do not exceed six pages maximum (excluding citations). There is no page minimum – short submissions, may be considered for poster presentations. To be directly considered for a poster session, you may submit a 48" x 36" poster (link to template below) directly in the online submission system in place of submitting an ACM formatted paper. 

Poster Specifications

Print Size: 48"W x 36"L (Landscape/Horizontal)
Lamination: Matte
Mounting: Foam Board
High Resolution: 300 DPI
File Type: PDF (preferred), image file acceptable
File Size: Under 150 MB (although FedEx can handle files up to 150 MB we encourage you to keep your file size smaller for distribution purposes. Files between 10 - 20 MB are expected.)

Submissions are due on the second Tuesday in February at 11:59pm. Submissions should be uploaded by clicking this link: SoIT Research Symposium Submission

You may direct any questions that you have to

We look forward to receiving your submission and seeing you at the IT Expo.

Links to Templates

Eligibility to Attend and Present

Participation in the research symposium is open to all students. Industry, practitioners, and faculty in departments outside of the School of Information Technology must sponsor at one of the sponsorship levels in order to participate. Verification of eligibility will be conducted after notification of acceptance. 

Important Dates

Second Tuesday in February: Deadline to submit online

Last Tuesday in February: Last day for acceptance notifications

Second Monday in March: Deadline for accepted submissions to provide poster to be printed by SoIT for display at IT Expo

Second Tuesday in April: The Information Technology Research Symposium will be held between 9:40am – 12pm

For more information on submission deadlines and other important dates, you may direct any questions that you have to

We look forward to receiving your submissions and seeing you at IT Expo!