High School Projects

IT Expo High School Competition

The University of Cincinnati School of Information Technology is accepting project proposals for the IT Expo High School Competition. The competition will be held on April 9, 2024. The competition will last one hour and teams are encouraged to attend the whole event.

How to Compete

I. Create Your Team

  • Teams may include high school students from 9th grade to 12th grade.
  • Each team can include up to 5 students.
  • Each team must have one teacher advisor.

II. Identify a Problem in the Community

  • Your team project should explore a real-world issue in the community and how technology could make it easier or better.

III. Use Technology to Solve the Problem

  • Projects should utilize technology and be relevant to the following IT topics: Web and Software Application Development, Networking/Systems, Cybersecurity, Game Development and Simulation or Data Technologies.

IV. Showcase Your Project at IT Expo

  • You and your team show off your final project during the high school competition at the annual IT Expo on April 9, 2024!
Group of students smiling with a first place banner and certificates.

Project Topics

Submissions of any projects that are relevant to the following IT majors are welcome:

Project evaluations in the Web and Software Programming area will be based on functionality, usability, and interface design. The website or app can be an ongoing project or proof of concept. Due to the time restraints, it is not necessary for the website/app to already be hosted or deployed nor have created an impact.

Example projects include:

Project evaluations in the Networking and Cybersecurity area will be based on technical novelty and potential impact on cyber education and technology adoption at high schools.

Example projects include:

Project evaluations in the Game Development and Simulation area will be based on functionality, usability, and interface design. The game or simulation can be an ongoing project or proof of concept. Due to the time restraints, it is not necessary for the game or simulation to already be hosted or deployed nor have created an impact.

Example projects include:

Example projects include:

For more ideas, view past IT Expo projects on our virtual event website.

How to Submit

Complete and submit the high school competition registration form. We will notify you if the project proposal has been accepted for the high school competition and include next steps.


Timeline for High School Project Proposal Submissions
January 31, 2024 Pre-Registration Deadline for Team and Project Idea
March 15, 2024 Final Registration Deadline for Team and Project Idea
Week of March 25, 2024 Confirmation for IT Expo HS Competition Participation (Before or on)
April 9, 2024 Present Project at IT Expo


Winning team members will receive a scholarship to the University of Cincinnati School of Information Technology. Recognition awards will also be awarded to the teams and schools who participate in the high school competition.

Have Questions?

Headshot of Jenifer Soale

Jenifer Soale

Asst Professor – Educator, School of Information Technology


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