Collage of Dr. Bailey,

Be Historic

CECH Celebrates Diversity

“When we listen and celebrate what is both common and different, we become a wiser, more inclusive, and a better organization.”

– Pat Wadors

History is made through a collection of events with the intent of making change that will lead to a future of effective outcomes. Creating history is achieved through the work of a person or group of people with a single mission in hopes to change the trajectory of its path that will greatly impact future generations.

The College of Education, Criminal Justice, Human Services and Information Technology proudly acknowledges the diverse populations that makes up its student, staff, and faculty body. We want to acknowledge those who have made significant strides in changing their communities by being a change agent through leading, participating, or facilitating an initiative or effort that will steward change for the greater good. Thus, making a “mark in history”.

Mission Statement

“Be Historic” is an ongoing intercultural awareness campaign designed to establish productive and meaningful conversations between multiple cultures, backgrounds, and ethnicities. These conversations will help to deconstruct limitations and expand understanding to raise awareness of the transgenerational traumas and current experiences to evoke change and create new behaviors and philosophies of thought based on other groups.

Be Historic in 2022

Every population and group of people are multi-faceted. There is diversity within each diverse group based upon their geographic location, economic upbringing, education, gender, and other factors. It is important to see the heterogeneity of all groups to celebrate their uniqueness and acknowledge what they feel is an important piece of their identity.

This year, our “Be Historic” campaign will acknowledge how no group is monolithic or “just” the apparent group they appear to be. There is composition in all of us and no one person is the same as the other. These stories will show the dimensions of our selected candidates.

Diversity Awareness Months

Below is a list of the diversity awareness months that will be feature in our campaign in 2022. These months are intended to create awareness and celebrate members of these groups and their accomplishments.